
Active Member
In the last few months I purchased a 29 gal (oil lubricated) compressor, installed some good lighting in my shop, and recently received some nice new tools from Mike at CAT. Jumped in and purchased the pneumatic squeezer from the get-go based on recommendations from this site. Going to Sun-N-Fun in April. When I get back I will most likely order the empennage. Scared and excited at the same time :)
The pneumatic squeezer was the first tool I purchased, too, way back before I started. Good move! It's still my favorite tool. Never bothered getting a hand squeezer. No need.

I also agree with Rupester... just jump in and get going. Just do it! Trust me, you'll wonder what you were waiting for. :)
Well Jim, I think the best thing for you would be a ride in an RV to get you started. Of course, I don't know how many RVers are willing to take an FAA guy flying unless its a check ride. :D:D Just kidding.

Come'on man, one of you JAX guys get him upside down. If you can't find a ride, I'll get up that way soon and can get some air under you.

Welcome aboard the good ship VAF. A wealth of information is here. Just don't spend all your time on the computer. Bang them rivets.

I learned some things on the emp. When I put together
the HS, I noticed a bit of deflection around the rivets in the skin.
I thought the problem was that I used to much force in the rivet gun.
I later learned that I was under Dimpling. The fix: get some good quality
Spring back dimple dies. (Clevland). You are going to need tank dies for your fuel tanks. Dont waist time, buy them now and use them to dimple the ribs and any structure below the skin. These make a slightly larger dimple and allow the skin to nest better. Don't be shy with a firm wack of the hammer. Don't use a rubber mallet and be sure it's on a firm surface.

You made a smart purchase with the P. squeezer. Next,
Buy a Tungsten bucking bar!! It's all I use in my build. Those two tools
Are essential in my opinion. With a 3 x gun, I find 30-35 lbs works well.
My horizontal Stab is ok, but I know could have been better.

Jimmy ? Just jump in and order the empennage kit. Every day you wait to order the kit is another day lost not being able to fly your RV9.
Remember "Vans' Annual Price Adjustment"...

Vans usually adjusts (read "increases") their kit prices on the first of February every year. This year they have pushed back the date (no idea yet), but it will likely occur. So.... As others have said here, no reason to keep waiting. It may actually save you money to take the plunge now.:D

Do it Jimmy! If I could do it anybody can. A bit of planning helps to accelerate the process, a lot of planning helps to finish it. :)


Vans makes it easy for us

I'm putting a sticker on the side of the canopy under my name that says "Biologist built". 2 reasons, first to demonstrate that you dont have to be an engineer to build one of these and 2 so that everyone understands the liability they are excepting if they fly in this thing.