
Well Known Member
Decided to redo the baffles during the annual to try to improve the cylinder cooling a little (hot #4 on climb, cruise OK). I have replaced the Van's material with the orange 1/8 inch silicon baffle material and now have a **** of a time trying to fit the top cowl as the material is so stiff and tends to stick straight up rather than curve like the Van's material.:(
Will this take a set after it has been heated up in normal operation? Any tips on how to get the cowl on while making sure the material bends to the "inside".
Lots of duck tape!
If it doesn't stick to the baffle material, stick it to the backside of the metal baffling and form the curve you are looking for. Should help to get the pieces cut and fitted, leave overnight and it should begin to take on the new shape enough to get the cowling on with the tape off.
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