
Well Known Member
In the past (and searching the archives) I've found only two recommendations for reinforcing the armrests:
1. Use a piece of angle under the armrest riveted only to the top surface of the arm rest; and,
2. The same riveted to the forward and aft bulkheads as well.

Has anyone gone to the bother to rivet a piece of angle to both the top of the armrest as well as the side skin? This would seem to be the strongest type of reinforcement, and since I'm working on the forward skin holes now I could deburr and dimple those new side skin holes I'd be making. Any thoughts on this method? Has anyone done something like this (or something different not mentioned above?)

Beyond that, if you built over, would you even make any sort of modification along these lines?

alpinelakespilot2000 said:
Has anyone gone to the bother to rivet a piece of angle to both the top of the armrest as well as the side skin? This would seem to be the strongest type of reinforcement, and since I'm working on the forward skin holes now I could deburr and dimple those new side skin holes I'd be making. Any thoughts on this method? Has anyone done something like this (or something different not mentioned above?)

Beyond that, if you built over, would you even make any sort of modification along these lines?

Someday when I build my next RV, I'm going to do exactly as you describe. A couple of angles attaching between the armrests and sides would be just the trick. Wish I had done it while building.

btw: I'm very happy that went for a 'no interior but cushions, paint and carpet on the floor' - none of those fancy pants interior panels for me.
kevinh said:
Someday when I build my next RV, I'm going to do exactly as you describe. A couple of angles attaching between the armrests and sides would be just the trick. Wish I had done it while building.
Would you rather have a little bend in your armrest (which is easy to fix) or a bulge in the side of your fuselage?
dan said:
Would you rather have a little bend in your armrest (which is easy to fix) or a bulge in the side of your fuselage?

Do you think this would lead to a bulge in the side? It seems like if the angle were long enough (and/or wide enough) that the weight would be sufficiently distributed to prevent that. But you may be right. Would you then recommend, if anything, just riveting some angle to the armrest to stiffen it a little? Thanks for the thoughts.
alpinelakespilot2000 said:
Do you think this would lead to a bulge in the side? It seems like if the angle were long enough (and/or wide enough) that the weight would be sufficiently distributed to prevent that. But you may be right. Would you then recommend, if anything, just riveting some angle to the armrest to stiffen it a little? Thanks for the thoughts.
I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I favor reinforcement at all. What does Van's have on their factory demo plane? What do the RVs that have given hundreds of rides have?
Flying over 13 years, given lots of rides, including young eagles. No reinforcements and no bends.
Ditto Mel's response. I updated my "rides" list and I've taken 116 different passengers for rides (many of them several times) in the past 2 years or so. No reinforcement, no issues.
I added these and they are bullet proof. I dont care what anyone says all it takes is once and it's smoked. It has one small stiffener down the aft end.

Looks like another way to do it, Jeff. Thanks.

I understand that in probably most cases the arm rest is just fine without support. I also agree that is only an arm rest and not something to push yourself up on. That said, the reason I originally posted the question is because I have seen a number of RV's with bent armrests and heard lots of builders say they wish they had reinforced them. In most cases the bent ones were probably just an accident but, like Jeff says, all it takes is one... good pilot briefing or not.

BTW, Jeff... what is your interior paint (and color)? Looks really nice!

Another option


Not sure if it is needed (different quesiton) but we did beef the arm rests up - and it is now rock solid.

The method - get 2 extra arm rests from VANs, and flip them + a strip of .032. - you end up with a box section and it is very taught. One of the better ideas for mods that we have had.... and associated days

Final product -


Last edited:
Promptly stolen!!

zkvii said:
The method - get 2 extra arm rests from VANs, and flip them + a strip of .032. - you end up with a box section and it is very taught. One of the better ideas for mods that we have had....
Ooh, nice one Carl. I'm gonna steal that idea for when I get to that stage!!
What a righteous solution !! That's a superb interior color too, hard to tell from the pic - is it a metallic paint ?