
Well Known Member
Just installed a new Vans airspeed indicator and noticed in flight that the needle is jumpy. It constantly bounces around and vibrates +/- 3-5 knots. The old ASI had a leak but the needle was steady.

Anyone ever seen this or have a fix.


Cheap Instruments?

Hi Mike,

My Vans ASI is OK but my ALT does the same. I just put it down to cheap instrumentation (and the instrument shop told me this was the case). Mine are as backup to the EFIS, which is OK. I intend to replace with a certified unit at some stage.

Hi Mike,
My Vans ASI is OK but my ALT does the same. I just put it down to cheap instrumentation (and the instrument shop told me this was the case). Mine are as backup to the EFIS, which is OK. I intend to replace with a certified unit at some stage.

My van's ASI and airspeed are both quite stable, I think the quality control is weak though. It sounds like you should return it to vans for a swap.