The brochure only shows it as being available in the 8.4 inch version. That looks so big in an -8. I wonder if it will later be available in the 6.5" size?
Wow, what a price increase!!

Just looked at their new pricing sheet. WOW..what an increase! Hard to say if it's worth the extra $$ for the same size screen, with faster cpu, more memory, and better quality screen. Thought the screen on the 3500 was pretty good as it was.
I think the joystick is a big deal, it will enable them to enhance the map functionality and when combined with their GPS engine to eliminate the need for an outboard GPS, or at least provide a backup. I'm told that they intend to provide free database updates forever. This all needs to be factored in when evaluating cost.
I think the joystick is a big deal, it will enable them to enhance the map functionality and when combined with their GPS engine to eliminate the need for an outboard GPS, or at least provide a backup. I'm told that they intend to provide free database updates forever. This all needs to be factored in when evaluating cost.
I like the idea of a joystick to help with the map, but I am curious to see how their joysticks work as a knob. When it gets bumpy, the knob is a superior interface to the joystick for things like selecting menus, etc.

Ever played with the joystick/knob on the high end Garmin stuff? It's the same one. VERY high quality with strong/positive detents. It's a much higher quality components (read very expensive) that is typical for these price point EFISes. People wonder where the increased prices come from, things like these high buck knobs are some of it.

I have no association with Advanced or Aspen. It's mind boggling in another thread you have guys praising Aspen's offering with half the features and half the screen size at twice the price and in this thread, critical of the offering with twice the features, twice the screen size and half the price. The "certified" rant doesn't mean a whole lot unless Advanced offerings come up short on reliability issues. So far they have not. We could go off on a "certified" rant for engines, ignition systems, airframes, etc. The internet and this forum have become an excellent source of information for what works and what doesn't. What works and what doesn't is all that really matters.
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