
Well Known Member
The FAA has issued AD 2009-02-03 which is a follow up to the emergency AD earlier last year on fuel injection systems.
I thought that I would post this as I know many of you are running IO engines.
Old news

Mark, your link is a much easier readable format-----I killed mine.

In case this sounds familiar, it is an update to an older AD.

From AOPA "New AD for some fuel-injected engines
The FAA has issued a new airworthiness directive (AD) covering some Lycoming, Continental, and Superior Air Parts engines with certain Precision Airmotive LLC RSA–5 and RSA–10 series, and Bendix RSA–5 and RSA–10 series fuel injection servos. This AD follows a March 2008 emergency AD that required repetitive inspections of the fuel injection servo plugs. The newly issued AD provides an ending action and requires owners of the affected fuel injection servo plug gaskets to replace them with new gaskets by Dec. 31. This AD affects newer-model single-engine Cessnas and some Pipers, as well as some overhauled and new replacement engines. Some engines that had fuel injection gaskets installed prior to March 2008 also could be affected."

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Worth a 1000 words

A picture is worth a thousand words.......

This AD requires replacement of fuel injector servo gasket 365533 with gasket 2577258 in order to prevent a lean running engine. FAA describes the two gaskets as follows:

"Servo plug gaskets, P/N 365533, are identified as being made of either a paper or fibre material, impregnated with synthetic rubber. They are relatively flexible and have a rough surface. Servo plug gaskets, P/N 2577258, are identified as being made of metal with a coating of synthetic rubber. They are relatively rigid and have a smooth surface".

Looks like my Bendix RSA5 fuel servo, converted to experimental and re-data-plated by Airflow Performance, needs to go back to them since the upgrade was done prior to issuance of this AD.

Anybody complied with this AD? Doesn't seem too difficult. Maybe I'll do it myself.
The AD is easy to comply with. Simply cutting safety wire and removing the plug and tossing the old gasket replacing it with the new one. Re-torque the plug and re-safety. On my new precision servo the servo plug gasket was poorly safety wired with a loose single wire allowing the plug to back out. The AD had you safety the plug from both sides.
Contact Precision

how, where to get the gasket. I'm sure there will be a run on that one.

Last year at SNF, they were handing out new gaskets like candy. I'd call them, they are in the west, PDT. 360-651-8282. Lots of info on the site.

They gave me 5 and 3 units, a new SH for the 320 on the 6A, a new SH for the 540 on the 10 and an overhauled Bendix for the HRII.

Good luck