
Well Known Member
Well, I pulled the trigger today and ordered my -9 tail feathers from VAN's. Looking forward very much to the build. Thanks everybody on VAF for the largely anonymous insight and inspiration. Also thanks (I think) to Doug Weiler, Pete Howell and Tom Berge here in the MSP area. Talk about your "$50,000 test ride". These guys will get you in trouble if you give them an hour and an open mind.

Being a TV producer, and always looking for a reason to combine work and play, I have decided to document the experience start to finish on video. Tom Berge will be mentoring (he has two of his own RV's under his belt, and has assisted on countless others). I'll be playing the part of the largely ignorant but very enthusiastic RVaitor wannabe. My business partner will shoot, I'll edit and we will deliver the whole thing either online or via DVD. We are talking full broadcast quality HD production here.

So, as we get started, I would appreciate suggestions from experienced or otherwise troubled builders on what bits and pieces you might want to see demonstrated in detail. Obviously we can't put the whole 1,500 hours in there. We will want to focus on the tough and/or critical ares. And since we are starting with the tail, let's focus on that first.

Thanks for your encouragement and insight.

Thanks Doug R. for a great website.

So, as we get started, I would appreciate suggestions from experienced or otherwise troubled builders on what bits and pieces you might want to see demonstrated in detail. Obviously we can't put the whole 1,500 hours in there. We will want to focus on the tough and/or critical ares. And since we are starting with the tail, let's focus on that first.

Thanks for your encouragement and insight.

Thanks Doug R. for a great website.


I think the part that future builders would find helpful is how to convince your spouse to play along, or at least not leave you if you choose to build it anyway. On the serious side the canopy is pretty tricky, as well as bending the longerons. Then there are the engine baffles which took me a long time to complete.

Great idea, I hope both your plane and the film go well for you.
Oh Boy!

The -9 is terrible plane! What a huge mistake.;)

I want covered in detail....

Primer v No primer

tipper v slider

glue v screw

carb v injection


crimp v solder

taildragger v nosewheel

mags v EI

EFIS v 6 pack

blonde v brunette

Other than that, I'll leave it up to you.........

So, as we get started, I would appreciate suggestions from experienced or otherwise troubled builders on what bits and pieces you might want to see demonstrated in detail. Obviously we can't put the whole 1,500 hours in there. We will want to focus on the tough and/or critical ares. <SNIP>


Some common "challenging" empennage topics discussed here:

*riveting skins to the trailing edges of ribs
*riveting nose ribs to the HS skin
*driving 1/8" diameter rivets at rib-to-spar joints
*riveting together trailing edge using AEX wedge
*forming the elevator trim tab (folding ends neatly)
Hi Forrest,

Welcome to the community. It's great to have another RV'er in the Frozen Tundra. Along with everything those guys told you, don't forget to budget a huge bucket of money for your panel as well! It's never to early to start drooling...and you want to make sure that you have more stuff in your panel than Pete/Alex/Doug/Peter/Tom and company. It's all about the gadgets!

Again, welcome to the group. You'll find a LOT of Minnesota VAF members around here ready and willing to help you out.

Have a great week and a good NewYear.

Welcome to the club

Got to fly our brand new -9 on Christmas Day! GREAT airplane and well worth it. WAY better than the -7!;)

If you like to build - the issues are just part of the process of building anything. It's not near as much of a pain in the rear as building a house:mad:

If you don't want the building issues, go buy a flying example - there are plenty out there.

Think you'll find that most here liked the building process.
Just flew my -9 on a 450 mile round trip today to have lunch with my sister in Ocala, FL.
Also just went over 300 hrs on my RV during the trip. Cruised at 165 mph gs for most of the flight at 2300 rpm, flipped through BBC, classic rock, 70's, and salsa on the X/M radio and could easily see 40 miles at 6500ft, and it just keeps getting better with each flight. :)
Yeah, you made the right choice to go with an RV.
Just flew my -9 on a 450 mile round trip today to have lunch with my sister in Ocala, FL.
Also just went over 300 hrs on my RV during the trip. Cruised at 165 mph gs for most of the flight at 2300 rpm, flipped through BBC, classic rock, 70's, and salsa on the X/M radio and could easily see 40 miles at 6500ft, and it just keeps getting better with each flight. :)
Yeah, you made the right choice to go with an RV.
And you didn't make it up here?

I hope to get out tomorrow for a few hours!

JDR, you are so right, the -9 ROCKS!
Tomorrow is supposed to be really windy here but any other good weather day now through the weekend is good for me. I have no plans that I know of. Let's get lunch somewhere and get some other VAF pilots to come out.
New '9-er

Hi, can't go wrong with a -9, I think!
just bought my -9a last june, and have only 14 hrs, but hey, I had to get re-current, and my instructor was in Inuvik every 2 weeks ( that's REAL north for you southern fellers!)
there are already a hundred things I'd like to add or change in my -9a, so talk to lots of folks, ride in other planes, not only, but including RV's.
Keep it simple, light, easy to access..even with a new plane, I am constantly under the dash or the cowl.
While I'm at it here's a few things. I love my plane, really, but the longer you sit in it.....etc.

I wish I had a:

park brake
oil filter
capacative fuel gauges
engine preheater
throttle quadrant
trim lever
flap controller/indicator
Angle of attack
big tachometer
One Electronic 'mag'
bigger nosewheel
battery access door opposite oil door
bigger oil door
firewall & belly heat & sound insulation
beefier brake rudder pedal attachment

..but the great part...I can add almost all this stuff just by trading those little green rectangles for real live airplane parts !!!!! :)

you are invited for a ride if ever in the area. I can send photos of a few things if you are interested, contact me off-list.

have a great build!

Thanks for your insights Perry.

I've spent plenty of time in the "Real North" - including Nunivik, Yellowknife, and a bunch of Nunavut. Beautiful country!
Good choice...

...but what response would you expect from another 9 builder. Mine will be a 9A, but close enough.

I didn't get my first flight in one until the fuselage was nearly finished, but it was well worth the wait. They are great flying airplanes.

I'm in a bit of a hold right now as I save up for the panel. Stein is correct, start drooling now and save a tidy sum for that part of the build.

Good luck with your project. I'll be looking forward to the video.
Hi, can't go wrong with a -9, I think!
just bought my -9a last june, and have only 14 hrs, but hey, I had to get re-current, and my instructor was in Inuvik every 2 weeks ( that's REAL north for you southern fellers!)
there are already a hundred things I'd like to add or change in my -9a, so talk to lots of folks, ride in other planes, not only, but including RV's.
Keep it simple, light, easy to access..even with a new plane, I am constantly under the dash or the cowl.
While I'm at it here's a few things. I love my plane, really, but the longer you sit in it.....etc.

I wish I had a:

park brake
oil filter
capacative fuel gauges
engine preheater
throttle quadrant
trim lever
flap controller/indicator
Angle of attack
big tachometer
One Electronic 'mag'
bigger nosewheel
battery access door opposite oil door
bigger oil door
firewall & belly heat & sound insulation
beefier brake rudder pedal attachment

..but the great part...I can add almost all this stuff just by trading those little green rectangles for real live airplane parts !!!!! :)

you are invited for a ride if ever in the area. I can send photos of a few things if you are interested, contact me off-list.

have a great build!

hi flyboy,
sounds like you are really enjoying that plane!!
say, if you are ever around my area, stop by! we are just getting started building and have only ever seen 2 rv-9's so far.
