
Well Known Member

I can only speculate, since I have seen no reports of the changes in this firmware version, that this is the major revision required to make the 4XXW/5XXW compliant with the 2020 ADS-B out precision position source requirements....

Steve or Matt, can you confirm and possibly fill us in on what has changed?

If this is that update, maybe it is the first of a wave of firmware upgrades that will get the GPS's and the xponders up to snuff for 2020?
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I don't have a GDL-88, but would still like more info such as...what else, if anything was "fixed" with this release, and more importantly, where does one obtain it and how is it uploaded to the unit?

All I got was an email saying that was a forthcoming Service Bulletin (SSB 1225).

Any info is appreciated...
Usually you have to go to a Garmin dealer, who loads new software in using the data slots on the front.

I see the SB says this update is optional for fixed wing aircraft and is not covered by warrantee for fixed wing. E.g., expect to pay.
GNS 4XXW/5XXW Service Bulletin 1225

I can only speculate, since I have seen no reports of the changes in this firmware version, that this is the major revision required to make the 4XXW/5XXW compliant with the 2020 ADS-B out precision position source requirements....

Steve or Matt, can you confirm and possibly fill us in on what has changed?

If this is that update, maybe it is the first of a wave of firmware upgrades that will get the GPS's and the xponders up to snuff for 2020?


Yes, this software upgrade for the Garmin GNS 4XXW/5XXW products does indeed add the required changes for these unit to become ADS-B compliant position outputs per 91.227 and AC 20-165.

Please contact your Garmin dealer should you wish to have service bulletin 1225 installed.

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Yes, this software upgrade for the Garmin GNS 4XXW/5XXW products does indeed add the required changes for these unit to become ADS-B compliant position outputs per 91.227 and AC 20-165.

Please contact your Garmin dealer or Garmin directly should you wish to have service bulletin 1225 installed.


Like many people here, that will SteinAir. Stein, what say you? :)

Tell me I'm not going to have to remove the unit, ship it back, etc., and that this is something I can do myself...please? :)

Typically this work needs to be done by a Garmin dealer since it takes some software we don't have access to.

Seems to vary greatly on what avionics shops charge for updating firmware. Some do it for free and others charge out the wazoo!
Service Bulletin 1225

I checked into the possibility that experimental customers might send in their units for the software upgrade (which includes both system software and GPS software).

This service bulletin requires a post installation checkout of the upgraded unit with the installed antenna and other interfaced devices, so we are not able to offer a mail-in upgrade in this case.

Please contact your Garmin dealer to arrange for this upgrade.

I was going to surmise exactly what Garmin just said...that after main updates like this, we do a checkout on them so it's not something easily done "in-situ" like database updates. We've done a lot before, and I'm sure we'll do a lot again. We can usually turn them around in a day or less (or you can drive/fly in and we'll do it right away).

I'm curious how the ADS-B compliance update will be implemented. Will this be through additional data packets on the existing Aviation Out serial data stream? And if so, will there be some setup option that enables the new packets?
Talking to a technician who had the text of the service bulletin, it wasn't completely clear.

I have only one serial output pin from my 430W. This is connected to an input on my Skyview display. My hope was that I could use this serial out to connect to the Trig transponder input pin.

If the ADS-B out data compliant data stream requires a seperate serial port output from the 430W, that means a new pin in that high density connector buried in the back of the panel.:(
You will use one of the serial ports and there is one more option in set up called "ADS-B" that then pushes those compliant packets out.. It is not a few more packets in "aviation out" that you already have hooked up...

PS. 430W has 4 serial outs.. so all you may have to do is add one more wire..
Revisiting an old thread. It's been a while since these software updates came out. For those of us with GNS-480 boxes, is there any news on a planned update to make the position output ADS-B compliant?
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480 Update

''For those of us with GNS-480 boxes, is there any news on a planned update to make the position output ADS-B compliant?''
I know a friend who is waiting patiently for it to come out so he can order what's required to be ADS-B compliant..

Soon He hopes..

Later this year??

For those of us with GNS-480 boxes, is there any news on a planned update to make the position output ADS-B compliant?

According to a discussion on the GNS 480 Yahoo Group, a software update is suppose to be available later this year. That discussion was at least 6 months ago, but it quoted statements a Garmin product manager.

I'm hoping it's true. I'll upgrade my GTX330 to ES as soon as the 480 supports ADSB.