Tiger 74

I have a 775lb 3A and love it.
My question is would I love it more with a new set of QB 3B wings from Vans?
I would like the increased aero max weight and also the extra fuel range.
But is it worth the expense and work?

Anyone done it?

I have a 775lb 3A and love it.
My question is would I love it more with a new set of QB 3B wings from Vans?
I would like the increased aero max weight and also the extra fuel range.
But is it worth the expense and work?

Anyone done it?


Good Question; and I hope some guys answer up who have done it! I just sold my "3A" in April after flying it for 50 hrs. over a 1 year time period; and I found that the 22 gallon fuselage tank needed just 6-8 gallons more in order to fly to the cities I liked to go to non-stop. If I changed out the wings, I had considered adding a 4-5 gallon header tank in place of the 22 gallon main tank, so it would gravity feed nicely to the carb...mox nix now... :)
I did install B wings on an A model rv-3 ,I did this several years ago so I don't remember some of the particulars, here are some of the things needed to be done.
replace fuselage carry thru bulkhead , I replaced rear spar carry thru straps although you may not need to if your able to set incidence with exsisting hole. another reason for me replacing is I went to larger material. as you already know you will have to rework fuel system. changing bulkhead is not particulary difficult but proper alignment for incidence can be time consuming alot depends on the quality of original build. I would suggest having a good small angle drill. At the same time of wing replacement I added electric flaps .
This conversion took some time with all the things needed to be done .
Good luck Jerry