
Well Known Member
Hi Folks,

My 8 is ready to fly since a month ago but I am in a battle with Chilean FAA (DGAC).

First they make me finish the plane so I could hired service from a CMA (Chilean aeronautical maintenance center) that make a profesional weight and balance, Instrument and radios inspection (My plane is DAY VFR only because DGAC regulation) so I could have my final inspection. Also I just received my trainning with Alex Dedominic from and they know it.

Then they ask me to complete a 100 hours/annual inspection and search for every single Service Bulletin and Airworthiness Directive from Lycoming, Hartzell, Slick, Precision Airmotive, Skytec, Van?s, etc. Make a list with all that information and I have to present an inform where said "APPLY" or "NOT APPLY", but that wasn't enough, they said I should explain and justify why some SBs and ADs "NOT APPLY". When I said all SBs I said all even if they are from 1970 and for other model.

Finishing all that I received a call that said that I will be not able to fly from the airport where my 8 is based and I will have to remove the wing and move the plane in a truck to other airport, because my airport is too close to houses, so I said that is true that is why I requested to make one 30 minutes fly over the airport and the next fly go to another one. Last year two RV9 flew complete phase one from the same airport and those planes still fly from there and some other experimentals too so I don't understand where is the problem now.

As I said that I was not going to disassemble my plane and ask them to make my final inspection anyway, today I received the visit from 3 inspectors to check my plane, one of them jump inside cockpit without ask for my permision or ask if is ok to step here or there.

They found some observation that I have to fix before fly. For example one of the observation is to reinstall an inspection cover that I remove for their inspection, other is that I need an standby horizon but I said why do I need one my planes is limited to DAY VFR only. Last observation is to call VAN's and ask them for a procedure/checklist to remove and reinstall wings, I said I know how to do that I build the plane, but again Inspectors from DGAC said NO we must be sure that you do it right.

I feel like I am fighting with a giant. So today I spoke with my Lawyer and I ask them to fight this battle for me, because I am tired:(

I don't know what is going to happens with my beatifull 8 but anyway I want to thanks to my wife, family and friends for all support in this two building year.