
Active Member
I know this might be a bit late in asking, but I am FINALLY taking some time off and going down to North Carolina for a Week. I will be in the Lake Lure/ Ashville/ Charlotte Areas thoughout the week. Does anyboby down there have an RV that would be willing to take me up for a spin? I am currently building a -9A. I know some will think it is crazy to build a plane without ever flying in that model.....but call me crazy! I love the build and look forward to my first flight. I can be reached on my cell phone @ 734-231-0420. I am leaving this morning, so I won't be able to respond on the computer. I don't think there are many RV's in the Detroit area, so I hope I will have a better change of catching a ride in North Carolina. Thanx
you aren't the only one. . .

I decided to build the -9, flight unflown. That is not to say that I had not flown an RV before that decision. Gus, froms Van's Aricraft, took me up for a flight in their RV-7A - what a ride. The great thing was that I already knew I was going to build the -7, I just wanted to ride in one. However, my type of flying dictated that I build a -9, so, I am building a -9 but I've never flown one. I plan to, just as soon as a local RV-9er gets the time to take me up - he knows who he is.
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I know some will think it is crazy to build a plane without ever flying in that model.....but call me crazy!

you aren't the only one. . .

No, you're not crazy, and you're not the only one. I'd never even sat in an RV until I drove to the factory to pick up my wing kit. Let's just say all my research and decision to build an RV were more than confirmed with that ride.
I have only about 2 hours in RV's, and I have to tell you the hardest thing to adapt to for me (172 driver) is how you have to push the nose down in shallow turns to keep them from climbing. Kind of the opposite of a 172.

Build first, demo ride later...

Nate B writes... I'd never even sat in an RV until I drove to the factory to pick up my wing kit. Let's just say all my research and decision to build an RV were more than confirmed with that ride.

I had a nearly identical experience.

I was midway through my 7-A emp, and still searching for a ride to confirm my building decision. They weren't surprised at my situation when I stopped by the factory during an Oregon trip, and Van's gave me a first class factory tour along with a grin-inducing ride.

Needless to say, I'm building with renewed vigor.
the first RV I saw was while it was being built by a colleague, it was in March 2005.
I began building in april 2006
My first flight, and the first time I sat in a RV was in my colleague's now flying RV-7A in March 2007 (almost one year after beginning building mine). On that flight we just did some low altitude cruising and checked roll and pitch handling.
I then knew I had made a good choice.
In June this year, I got the opportunity to fly in Houston with I builder based in Conroe, TX I had met on this website. We did some slow flight, stalls ....
I now know I made the right choice.

PS : in the avatar, behind my wife and me is part of my colleague's tip-up canopy. After my wife sat in that plane she just told me I should hurry up finishing mine, well I'm trying.
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I have started the engine in our RV (last week), and my wife (she understands taildraggers ;) ) taxied it round... Hopefully it will fly in a few weeks. So nearly 2 years building etc and neither of us have ever flown in an RV :eek:

Andy & Ellie Hill
I will be in the Lake Lure/ Ashville/ Charlotte Areas thoughout the week. Does anyboby down there have an RV that would be willing to take me up for a spin?
FWIW, I bought an already started, 15 year old project (35 - 40% done, and I'm the FIFTH owner) off of ebay one rainy Sunday night a couple of years ago. At that point in time, I had never even seen an RV-4, let alone ridden in one.

And like the rest have said, not that unusual....

If you don't have any luck down South, and you're smaller than the BUBBA that flys my -4, drop me a note when you get back and I'll see what I can do about a ride.

Can't let you drive, but sometimes on the first flight just hanging on is more than enough! :D
he knows who he is.
I wonder who you could be referring to Robert? You'll get a ride but the problem is, I still need to find time to work on this thing and with all the rides I owe people, I don't know when I will ever finish those gear leg fairings.

No problem Joseph. Just let me know when you are in town and if I'm around, I will be more than happy to give you a ride.
I wonder who you could be referring to Robert? You'll get a ride but the problem is, I still need to find time to work on this thing and with all the rides I owe people, I don't know when I will ever finish those gear leg fairings.

No problem Joseph. Just let me know when you are in town and if I'm around, I will be more than happy to give you a ride.

Don't sweat it. I will get my chance when mine is finished if not before. Now, Joseph, on the other hand, has a far greater need than I do. I have an RV grin :D - he needs to get one.
Me, too

I hadn't flown ANY RV until Oshkosh '06, and I flew my 9A in February '07. I had been building for over two years when I first flew in the factory demo. I did get some xition training in a 7 just before I flew mine, three hours IIRC.

Hey, if you don't find someone to give you a ride, you will be passing not too far from North Vernon, my home airport in southern Indiana. OVO is in the SE corner of the state, not far off from interstate 65. That would be a great excuse to fly! Let me know...

Bob Kelly
I have started the engine in our RV (last week), and my wife (she understands taildraggers ) taxied it round... Hopefully it will fly in a few weeks. So nearly 2 years building etc and neither of us have ever flown in an RV
And further to that, our RV-8 flew for the first time on the 29th Oct... Ellie flew in the back for flight 2 that day, and I did so the next flight 2 days later (both as Flight Test observers of course ;) ). For both of us it was the first flight in an RV...:)
You are not alone

I've been building a 9A since early 2003 and have never flown in any RV.

I started my private licence training 3 months ago....

How crazy is that?

Somebody get this guy a ride! ;-)

I know this might be a bit late in asking, but I am FINALLY taking some time off and going down to North Carolina for a Week. I will be in the Lake Lure/ Ashville/ Charlotte Areas thoughout the week. Does anyboby down there have an RV that would be willing to take me up for a spin? I am currently building a -9A. I know some will think it is crazy to build a plane without ever flying in that model.....but call me crazy! I love the build and look forward to my first flight. I can be reached on my cell phone @ 734-231-0420. I am leaving this morning, so I won't be able to respond on the computer. I don't think there are many RV's in the Detroit area, so I hope I will have a better change of catching a ride in North Carolina. Thanx

After viewing your website and found out what you do for living building an RV without a private license for airplane is not crazy at all. Of course, you are not alone on this. Well, if you were a little closer I would more than delighted to give you a ride.

My wife and I visited your city last April. It is such a beautiful place.

Best wishes on your project.
your not alone

i have been building a 7a for a year. finally, got to ride in a 6 about 2 months ago on a short flight (i was sick before takeoff) the most fun i have had in years, illness aside. great shot in the arm for your rv project.

i hope to get a real ride sometime. anyone in austin area that needs a rider. i am in.

have a great time on your first rv ride.

happy landings,

Building my RV4 since 1995, never flown in an RV!

Interesting thread because it applies to me. I purchased my RV4 tail kit in 1994 and started building in late 1995. I have never flown in any type of RV. I once had a date to fly with a Van's employee in their factory demonstrator 4, when I went to pick up the wing kit at the old factory in North Plains. The pilot called in sick that day and I went home with the wing kit in my truck, but no RV flight. Since then I have never had the opportunity. I'll be done with my project soon and I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful start of a new adventure in flight. I have never really worried about it. Maybe a record?

Brian Vickers, RV4 finishing
Bainbridge Island, WA