
Well Known Member
I don't see a process for adjusting the HS cables for neutral elevator unless the process described on page 32-14 step 4 does that (take the slack out of the top cable with the control stick full forward and the HS in the full down position). Is there something I missed or is that it?

Define, "Neutral Elevator"?:confused:
Sorry, I was expecting something like we did for the flaperons where we pinned the controls in the neutral position (32-09), aligned the flaperons with the wing tip and drilled the flaperon torque tubes. I expected something like "lock the control stick in the neutral position, align the stab with ???? and take the slack out of the cables". Maybe not applicable to the stab?
For the stabilator travel, the rigging is related to the control stops.
It is detailed in section 32 (latest Rev level HERE)
If you get the cables adjusted to the proper tension with the stick hitting the up or down stop (on the control column) just after the stab hits the up or down travel stop at the back, you are good.
A check for this is also part of the PAP document.
OK, thanks. I saw that but didn't recognize it as setting neutral, or whatever it's called. Thanks
Hate to re-visit this thread but I need some clarification. Looking at Page 32-14 Rev. 3, Dated 09/29/14, Step 4 says: "Place a small weight on the stabilator to hold it trailing edge down. Remove the slack from the upper cable ...until the control stick and stablator just start to move off the stops at about the same time when the stick is moved aft."

Step 6 says, "Position one of the ... control stick(s) so that the top end is 10 inches from the lower face of the ... instrument panel." Is the 10" from the front face of the stick tube, or, is it from the tube centerline? Isn't this then "Neutral elevator"? At this point how far nose down should the stabilator be?
Hate to re-visit this thread but I need some clarification. Looking at Page 32-14 Rev. 3, Dated 09/29/14, Step 4 says: "Place a small weight on the stabilator to hold it trailing edge down. Remove the slack from the upper cable ...until the control stick and stablator just start to move off the stops at about the same time when the stick is moved aft."

Step 6 says, "Position one of the ... control stick(s) so that the top end is 10 inches from the lower face of the ... instrument panel." Is the 10" from the front face of the stick tube, or, is it from the tube centerline? Isn't this then "Neutral elevator"? At this point how far nose down should the stabilator be?

Steps 4 and 6 just get you in the right ballpark. Step 7 is the final adjustment, and the one that really counts. The stabilator needs to hit the stops, both up and down, before the control stick does. As long as this happens, and the tension is correct with the seat ramp cover in place, you are where you should be. Install the retainer pins and build on!
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Be very aware that "neutral" stab is NOT horizontal. Neutral is a few degrees nose down-- search the posts from 2010 as I posted some photos of Van's prototype with the elevator "Neutral". One early builder set it horizontal and had a problem on takeoff. As said above, the process will get you right-- though obviously a LOT has been added in the last 5 years to the instructions in this area!

Wayne 120241/143WM
Great EAA video - I got the ASA book as well. If you do 35 lbs on a cold morning, it will be slack when it warms up.

Don't put the blue clips in right away, although if you do the same book has turnbuckle safety wire instructions....because if you pull the blue clips out to re-tension, that is hard to do with out mangling them.

This is one of those things to hook up and then as things stretch out a bit, go back and double check the tension and put the clips in or safety wire - but don't forget!
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Another thing to be aware of.......

In all the RV-12s I've inspected, I have found at least one with the stabilator rigged backwards. i.e. Stick forward = up elevator.

With cables anything is possible.

Let's be careful out there!
In all the RV-12s I've inspected, I have found at least one with the stabilator rigged backwards. i.e. Stick forward = up elevator.

With cables anything is possible.

Let's be careful out there!

And while we're on the topic, one RV-12 that I did an inspection on had the trim servo wired in reverse.

With wiring anything is also possible!