
Chief Obfuscation Officer
Perhaps this is old news, but in case not...

I was sitting in my AME's waiting room this morning and saw a stack of brochures for a web site called AVNAC.com. They are a service that lets you rent aviation DVDs through the mail, similar to Netflix. I've checked out their selection and it seems pretty good with a bunch of construction related videos in their inventory. They even have Sam James's Fiberglass 101, which now that I have mentioned it, will likely be on a wait list to rent.:)

The rentals start at $5, but most appeared to be around $10. You have 10-days to watch and return the DVD, and there are no monthly fees.

I signed up and gave it a try. The video I wanted wasn't immediately available so I'll have wait a short bit.

I have no affiliation or experience with them... Just thought it might be useful.
Great Business

I have rented about 10 DVD's from them in the last few months trying to prepare myself for the IFR ground school. So far they have delivered on time and have an easy DVD return envelope... I think its a good deal.