Good morning! I am planning to look at an RV-8 project in Jonesboro, Arkansas this coming Saturday (Sept 30th) and am asking to see if anyone in the area might be willing to look at it with me? I am not a builder and this will be my first RV. I will most likely have the current builder continue with the project after possibly taking ownership but would sure like help in looking at the airframe and work that has been done already. I can compensate you for your time and travel as well.

Thank you!

James Riordan
Kanab, UT
Saturday would be the middle of the flyin at Petit Jean AR, so a lot of the RV clan will be busy then. How about late Friday morning?
Thank you Dan for replying. Unfortunately, because of my work, I just can’t get out there that early on Friday. I do appreciate it though.

Ahhh...Bill really likes it when folks come early. Yeah, yeah, that's it....