
Well Known Member
My right fuel cell has started deteriorating (proseal is coming out in the fuel samples). I’m not the builder. I have the drawings but not the instructions. Does anyone have the fuel cell build instructions and willing to give me a copy? 6A, Thanks David
By any chance is the stuff coming out white or gray??

I am thinking that the tank may have been sloshed.
Here is what was in the gascolator and fuel sample.



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Interesting: Re photos

I can see the first one you posted. The next two are showing as gray circles with a white bar in the middle.

Did you post them in different ways? I see these gray circles with bars frequently, and have never been able to figure out what's causing it.

Did you post using the new photo posting feature here on the new and improved VAF?

Thanks, and sorry for thread drift
The material in the bowl, is it rubbery or gritty like sand or other course material?
If gritty, what type aux fuel pump installed?
How much volume of this stuff have you found so far?

I once had a load of bad fuel that caused deposits that looked like your pics. Turned out we got the dregs from the bottom of the airport fuel tanks.

I also once found grit that turned out to be an aux fuel pump that was eating itself.
PCHunt & Ralph,

I posted the pics the old way a few minutes apart.

I don’t think the gas is contaminated. The stuff isn’t gritty or rubbery it turns to powder when rubbed between your fingers. It’s 93 non E pump gas. Filtered through a Mr. Funnel. It just started showing up slightly about 3 tanks ago (about 1 month). It has progressively gotten worse with each sump check.

Interestingly... this is only happening in one tank. I use 100LL Avgas in the other tank exclusively. I have used both Decaline and MMO in the problem tank at different times. I don’t know if there’s a correlation or not.

My buddy uses the same fuel from the same store and hasn’t seen anything in his sumps.
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Yes it has a small leak by the wing root. The kind that turns the proseal to goo. I don’t know when the tank was built probably around 2000. The plane was finished in 2006.
Run a tank of 100LL thru it & see if that clears it out. I'm thinking it is some sort of chemical leached out of the fuel related to the use of Declin.
The leak is a different matter & will eventually have to be delt with, possibly accessed thru the side cover plate.