
Well Known Member
Went to put the wings on for the first time. On both sides the Bulkhead cap is contacting the top of the spar. The nubs in the spar layers seem to be the culprit. I can't quite the port wing in place and the starboard wing is worse.

Has anyone else seen this? Taking .125 off the edge appears to be the best answer, vice smoothing the top of the spars.

Any thoughts?


I suggest double checking about six times before removing any metal. Once the spar inserts are too small you take the wings apart to fix. Be certain of your remedy.
Dick Seiders
F-1204H may need trimming...

This was, is and continues to be a common problem. Jim Cone found this way back when building 001 and I saw it when I visited his build. Knowing this, I was able to trim mine, 1/16" before riveting the parts. I thought Jim had run it by Van's at the time. Then much later Joeri published that he had the same problem, and I posted about it in this forum with this picture:

It is difficult to find the old posts about this one by searching so I should have put the part number in the title :eek:.
Jim had scrapped up his spars pretty good on the side skins too, so he recommended that some material be taken off the opening in the side skins, so I took 1/16" off there too. You probably don't need to do this but you have to be very careful to put the wings straight in or you will scrape up the primer on the spars:

I was following this thread thinking "why did I not have such a problem?" Just went out and looked, mine are bent on both sides just like in the photos! So many things to watch when putting the wings on, totally missed that interference! Now I get to decide what to do about it as well.