
I am working on my finish kit right now. When I recieved my finish kit from Vans, sub kit #5 was on back order. Sub kit #5 appears to be all the wiring for the kit so I assumed that the wiring would come once the Skyview was released. Without the wiring to put at the bottom of the tunnel, I am not able to hook up the control rods so I am in a holding pattern.

Now that the Skyview has been released I was expecting to get my sub kit #5 so I can continue to build. I sent a note to Ann at Vans and got the following response.

On 13 Feb 2012 at 17:04, Craig Tempelton wrote:

> Anne,
> Now that the Skyview is ready, do you have any idea when the back
> order on my finish kit (subkit #5) will ship?

"They are setting it up so that any Skyview connected items, updates will be sent with the Skyview iteself..Anne"

So I guess that means that I can't continue with my finish kit until I get my Skyview (on 3 month B/O). I can't put in the control rods or put on the landing gear.

Anyone else in this same position. Any suggestions to complete my finish kit without the wires.
Where did you got the information that the Skyview was on 3 month back order?
From what I have seen of what others have posted, since I have my original wiring and control rods in, you just drill some more holes to get the wires thru.
Nautique (Craig), I share your concern/pain.
I received that earlier invitation to order the avionics package, but I declined, as I just wanted to get my backordered cable harness (and new manual section)

I jumped ahead and started working on the canopy in the hope that the SV backorder would clear up and I'd get the subkit needed to complete section 31.

Your message is somehow discouraging. If I read it correctly, to get the harness I would need to order the avionics package. In other words, I can't complete the controls and anything that comes on top, until I get the SV kit... :mad:

Sub Kit 5

In my mind we are owed the components of sub kit 5 or a refund for this
important sub kit. We have decided to roll our own Avionic/flight Instrument package.

Sub Kit #5

For what it is worth, I am in the same "missing subkit #5" fix. I went ahead and put in the flaperon controls, mostly because I wanted to see how they go and to be sure that I had everything. I have also done the tank and have the fuselage on the gear.

Still have canopy, cowl and wheel pants to do on the finishing kit and have just hung the engine (it came and I could not resist getting at it).

It seems to me that it will not be all that difficult to remove whatever control linkages I need to in order to install the subkit #5 wires. (I have not attached the tailcone and so have not done the elevator or rudder controls.)

If the avionics backlog is three months it will work out OK for me (I do not think I am in the priority group for avionics).

My assumption has been that shipping #5 with the avionics stuff was a short term work around while the avionics backlog is cleared. I would be surprised if that is not the case. If not, Van's needs to explain how the pricing of the sub-kit number 5 is to be handled. We do not want to pay for it twice - but it just naturally fits in build sequence of the finishing kit so I expect it will be stay that way once things are caught up.

Keith Williams
Same here

Waiting on the harness so I can do the pushrods etc. Can't do the avionics bay until I get the harness and the new parts...

Should there be a refund for those who were shipped short and those parts are now coming else where?

I am started to get just a little frustrated on the business side of things. The parts are flowing to some, but very little information to those of us in "the notch".

I have a 4 day weekend, and NOTHING to build...which perhaps is why I am whining.