

Am working on avionics and need to run RF cables from forward of the main spar to the aft fuselage but don't have any more room in the holes and grommets indicated on the plans of my RV9A. Also, I need to run the air speed pitot tube from behind the main spar, as it enters from the wing, to forward of the panel. Again no more room in the access holes.

Vans indicated that maybe it's possible to mount the antenna for the VHF, NAV and Trig under the fuselage forward of the main spar. They don't have any engineering to support any holes for conduit other than what is designed.

Would appreciate any ideas or experience in these areas.


You say there are no openings indicated in the plans. Can you not actually look at the center section to see what pass thru's are there? There's sizable pass thru's at the outboard ends and at least two more near the center. I had no problem getting all the wiring , the pitot line, and 3 runs of RG400 thru. And I still have room for more wires if I needed.
I don't know that they make accommodations for more than the four grommets.
Like Terry I was able to get a boat load through those four. The only other option I know of would be to use the underside of the longeron following the static line. I did not run conduit through the holes as this would limit the hole size. I ran conduit right up to the grommet and then continued on the other side.

Thanks. The grommets are full with static, strobe/nav power supply, magnetometer, servos coming via center (at push rod) and through the main spar. I can mount the transponder antenna below fuselage forward of the main, but it needs to be clear of nav antenna by 6 feet so will need to mount that one at the aft section.

I'll look for a way.


I'm pretty sure that Van's has already been asked and answered this question. I know I have seen someone's build log that had to add a hole to the spar carry through and Van's had some input to the location/size. Give them a call.

On my RV-9A, I had plenty of space. If you add the Pitot/Static and manual trim, those take up lots of room in the standard holes.