
Active Member
I am looking for 10 either AN470AD8 or MS20470AD8 rivets (two different
part numbers for the same rivet). I realize this rivet is REALLY wide
for our typical application, but I have a specific need and just can not
find a source for the rivet! The length is unimportant, as I can cut
them down to the size I need. If you have any information as to where I
can get these PLEASE e-mail me! Did I mention that once I have these
bad boys squeezed into the holes they will be filling, the plane will be
signed off and first flight will be made!! By the way, ACS and the
usual sources stop at AD6 rivets!

[email protected]
Thanks I got them from a local guy...

Thanks for everyones emails and responses!! A guy at my field gave me some for FREE! Got to love aviation people, he even offered to help!
