
Well Known Member
I'm in that 90% done, 90% to go stage. It feels like I have been working on electrical and FWF forever. Between that and the heat my motivation has been in the can lately.

Are there any RV events/gatherings going on within driving distance of East Dallas? Could use some hangar-flying time with like-mided individuals.
No RV events per se, but you are always welcome to come up to Short Stop and visit.
You can see what a 20+ year old -6 looks like.

Seen it and got to sit in it. First RV I ever saw in person too. Of course that was a few years ago...haha

The time sure does fly doesn't it.

Thank you for the offer. Did that -9 ever move out of your hangar?

No RV events per se, but you are always welcome to come up to Short Stop and visit.
You can see what a 20+ year old -6 looks like.

Glad to help motivate

I live up in Commerce on the East side of Dallas. I have a flying RV-7A and could use an excuse to go flying. If you want me to fly down and pick you up, we could fly around and get you motivated again. Let me know what you think.
Well you could drive up to Wisconsin in a couple of weeks

I hear there will be a bunch of RV-6As at that airport just west of Lake Winnebago. I plan to go with a stop in Mount Vernon, Illinois. There should be some there as well on the 26th through the morning of the 28th when they will shoot out of there and head for OSH as fast as they can go.

This was taken on the way to Townsend, Montana last week. Get'r done and you can go where it's cool.



Bob Axsom
Thank you for the offer. Did that -9 ever move out of your hangar?

Unfortunately that -9A will probably be there forever. The owner is planning to retire next year, and then he will have "plenty of time" to work on it.

Personally I don't know of any retired person who has "plenty of time".
That is quite a good point. I guess that would explain the lack of other fly-ins over the next few weeks (wasn't thinking I guess). The funny thing: my wife's family is in WI. She has family that lives about 1.5 hours from Osh and I still haven't made it up there. I told her that next year we have to go.

I hear there will be a bunch of RV-6As at that airport just west of Lake Winnebago. I plan to go with a stop in Mount Vernon, Illinois. There should be some there as well on the 26th through the morning of the 28th when they will shoot out of there and head for OSH as fast as they can go.

This was taken on the way to Townsend, Montana last week. Get'r done and you can go where it's cool.



Bob Axsom
I would love to go flying anytime of course. Commerce is only about an hour drive from me, so I don't mind driving up either.

One thing that may or may not be an issue depending on your setup; I'm 6'4" about 265. Hasn't been a problem in other RV's, but if your is set-up for someone Mel's hight (sorry Mel), there is no way i'll fit...haha. If setup for the avarage pilot then I just cross my feet. Haven't had any stick clearance issues. My -6 has the almost RV-14 mod, what a world of difference that makes. On the plus side, I can always bring my own seat cushions along. Classic Aero made me a very nice custom set of thin cushions. I would certainly understand if you have fit/CG concerns and can't do it.



I live up in Commerce on the East side of Dallas. I have a flying RV-7A and could use an excuse to go flying. If you want me to fly down and pick you up, we could fly around and get you motivated again. Let me know what you think.

I sat in that same hole for quite awhile then a good friend asked me what I had left. I went thru the things I needed to finish which jumped all over the RV-6 My friend took me by the arm to the spinner and said are you done here. Finish the first inch and work your way back, do not start jumping around. Work to the tail and when you finish that last inch you will be done.
He then told me a story of a land rover he started and jumped all over the vehicle and seemed like he could never get anything finished. Then a friend took him to that first inch.
As far as the heat. Work early in the morning or late in the evening.
By the way I finished that last inch in 2006
That is some very sage advice. I have found myself jumping between jobs. Usually it is when I am short parts or material on one portion, I go work on something else until I get that missing part. Often the new section is the priority at that point, so I don't make it back for a while. Now that I am working the electrical, I'll get that 100% done and then go finish the FWF (sensors, ignition, and some baffling). Then finish the canopy and brakes. After that it is just fiberglass and paint, final assembly and rigging. Getting bit at a time.

I sat in that same hole for quite awhile then a good friend asked me what I had left. I went thru the things I needed to finish which jumped all over the RV-6 My friend took me by the arm to the spinner and said are you done here. Finish the first inch and work your way back, do not start jumping around. Work to the tail and when you finish that last inch you will be done.
He then told me a story of a land rover he started and jumped all over the vehicle and seemed like he could never get anything finished. Then a friend took him to that first inch.
As far as the heat. Work early in the morning or late in the evening.
By the way I finished that last inch in 2006
You can not loose hart now !

I remember when we were at the same stage .. I have not even flipped the fuselage yet ! Hope to do it during the next few weeks before my boy goes of to his new job .. He just graduated this year ...

Have a good weekend Colin and thanks for all your advice during the last few years ... time just goes to quickly ... as the saying goes .. when you are young you are cash poor and time rich .. when you get older you end up cash rich and time poor !!

all in relative therms of course ...

I appriciate the kick in the pants. Don't worry, I'm not quitting, that is for dang sure...haha. Just a little more "tired" lately.

I did discover last night that I have no excuse for not making it to Osh regularly. Turns out my wife's uncle live 20 miles from OSH. I have free housing available there anytime. My wife and I discussed and OSH is on the calendar for next year!

This thread alone has helped to reinvigerate me. I'm going to get as much of that electrical knocked out this weekend as possible. Not much left really. I hope to do a smoke test in the next couple weeks. Of course I made things harder on myself right now by runing wire for things I don't have (and probably won't before first flight). That should all save me time later when I have the funds for some more equipment.

You can not loose hart now !

I remember when we were at the same stage .. I have not even flipped the fuselage yet ! Hope to do it during the next few weeks before my boy goes of to his new job .. He just graduated this year ...

Have a good weekend Colin and thanks for all your advice during the last few years ... time just goes to quickly ... as the saying goes .. when you are young you are cash poor and time rich .. when you get older you end up cash rich and time poor !!

all in relative therms of course ...
:) ... I will be on my back .. doing the last bits of stuff with the seat pans and baggage floor !

Never been to OSH. I think it is almost TO big .. sensory overload .. But will go if I get the chance .. Every time I have been in US around that time. It has been other things going on with work so no time to go. Maybe next year .. Good luck with the wires !!
I'm at that same point, but for a different reason. I haven't worked on my plane for about 3 weeks now and it's driving me crazy. I'm trying to get a new business launched and I've got about 6 to 8 more weeks of this before I can get back to "near normal" and get back to the hangar. Not sure I'm gonna make it...

Did a cross-country from Midland to Tulsa Wednesday afternoon and return yesterday afternoon in the 172, handflying both ways because the T&B quit which drops out the autopilot. Can't say that I didn't enjoy the flying - but at 120KTAS I sure had a lot of time to think about my 9A....
I know what you mean. Having my 19month daughter running around makes going out to the shop ever harder...

Trying to start a new business would sure make it difficult to get shop time.

I'm at that same point, but for a different reason. I haven't worked on my plane for about 3 weeks now and it's driving me crazy. I'm trying to get a new business launched and I've got about 6 to 8 more weeks of this before I can get back to "near normal" and get back to the hangar. Not sure I'm gonna make it...

Did a cross-country from Midland to Tulsa Wednesday afternoon and return yesterday afternoon in the 172, handflying both ways because the T&B quit which drops out the autopilot. Can't say that I didn't enjoy the flying - but at 120KTAS I sure had a lot of time to think about my 9A....
........OSH is on the calendar for next year!.....

We have a saying at work when doing big jobs...."later sucks, let's just do it now"

I was struggling to get my plane done, saving money, slow to order, dragging my know just like a lot of builders. My friend and builder mentor said. "you've got to finish that plane and fly"

I thought he's right....Later sucks!

the saying applies to a lot of things....Oshkosh included
I though about trying to go this year, but we already have a trip planned a couple weeks from now. If I had planned ahead better, this would have been a great year to go..haha

We have a saying at work when doing big jobs...."later sucks, let's just do it now"

I was struggling to get my plane done, saving money, slow to order, dragging my know just like a lot of builders. My friend and builder mentor said. "you've got to finish that plane and fly"

I thought he's right....Later sucks!

the saying applies to a lot of things....Oshkosh included