Just starting again working on my PPL... First 6 hrs were in a Cessna 172... I have been thinking I would love to build an RV at some point but right now family time is to valuable and I would really like to start flying now and build later... Also I would really like a 4 seat plane... Even though I realize I will not really put 4 people in there I just would like the extra room for just in case scenarios... So my question to you is what would be a good first plane to buy in around the $20-40k range that would be a good flying plane and fit a tall pilot.. I am 6'4 and 245lbs.... Also what plane would be economical to fly? I have been wondering about a 172 just because I know I fit but was wondering about the piper warriors? I think they may have a little faster cruise speed and be a little more economical but I could be wrong... Any advice would be greatly appreciated...
In that price range, find a nice Grumman Cheetah. Lots of room, Great visibility, and handles better than anything Cessna or Piper.