
Hello to everyone,

Maybe some of you have already had to resolve this problem.

While tapping the 6/32 screw holes beneath the horizontal stabiliser through the main fuselage angle ( these are for attachment of the lower aluminium part of the empennage fairing - rearmost holes), the tap broke in one of the holes almost flush with outer surface. Any ideas on removing the piece of tap,without,of course, damaging the fuselage angle would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

Mike Greene
Paris France

RV7 -- final assembly
Hello to everyone,

Maybe some of you have already had to resolve this problem.

While tapping the 6/32 screw holes beneath the horizontal stabiliser through the main fuselage angle ( these are for attachment of the lower aluminium part of the empennage fairing - rearmost holes), the tap broke in one of the holes almost flush with outer surface. Any ideas on removing the piece of tap,without,of course, damaging the fuselage angle would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

Mike Greene
Paris France

RV7 -- final assembly

Mike, if the tap is almost flush with the angle, you might consider just leaving it. You could do more damage removing it than it's worth not to mention the time and aggravation. Just drill another hole if needed to secure the fairing. A couple of careful swipes with a grinder would probably take the broken tap down flush with the angle.
I've got one...

Amusing story....
My RV4 has one of these "extra" holes for the fairing. It is however, on the top. The painter was supposed to fill in the fairing and unfortunately forgot. That was in 1989.

Since I acquired the airplane, I still occasionally try and put a screw in there :).

Hello to everyone,

Maybe some of you have already had to resolve this problem.

While tapping the 6/32 screw holes beneath the horizontal stabiliser through the main fuselage angle ( these are for attachment of the lower aluminium part of the empennage fairing - rearmost holes), the tap broke in one of the holes almost flush with outer surface. Any ideas on removing the piece of tap,without,of course, damaging the fuselage angle would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

Mike Greene
Paris France

RV7 -- final assembly

IMHO, leave it alone and set-up another hole.
Rivet it on.

Actually there's no reason to ever remove this lower part of the fairing. Mine has been riveted on for over 15 years.
Mike, If you have access to a machine tool supply store, they usually have tap extractors, although 6-32's may be too small.
If that doesn't work, you might try to shatter it using an automatic center punch, if you can properly support the tap from the backside. Since taps are hardened, frequently a sharp rap from said center punch will shatter the tap without further damage to the threads.

Best wishes, Joe.
Many thanks to all of you who took the time to post. I'll try to acquire one of those extractors and if unable to do so I'll follow the advice of Sam and others and drill another hole in the same area for the attachment screw. I was a bit wary of the idea of drilling another hole in this main structural member,i.e. the
fuselage angle, as in this position both the horizontal and vertical stabilisers are bolted through there, though from your posts this doesn't seem to pose a problem.
Thanks again , it's great to have so much useful advice and information available

Take care

Mike Greene