
Well Known Member
We just added a 696 to our RV7a and have an issue with the autopilot.

Set up is:
Dual GRT Horizon 1 system
Garmin 300 on GPS1
Garmin 696 on GPS2 (used serial port 6 in)
Garmin SL30 on Nav input
Trutrak Pictorial Pilot Autopilot

The autopilot does track the 300 in nav mode just fine.

The EFIS is getting the flight plan data from the 696 as it shows GPS2-FP at the upper left and the next waypoint and distance. But when I select GPS2 on the EFIS and select Enav mode it will not intercept or track the course on the 696. Also, we are not getting a magenta line on the EFIS map like we do for the 300. The internal GPS is turned off on both screens.

Any ideas or suggestions out there?

Flight Plan internal

Check and see if the Flight plan data for GPS 2 is setup for internal or external.( it is in the general setup menu about half way down). If you are getting GPS data from the 696 it may not be setup for using the external flight plan info from the 696.


Thanks Ben,

GPS 2 is set up for external but GRT advised me that I may also need to disable the serial port for the internal GPS info. I will try that this evening.

Thanks Mike,

I spoke to GRT this morning and they suggested a few things to try. Will give it a try this evening.

I also spoke to trutrak today and they said they heard something similar at Sun n Fun (AP would follow in heading mode but not in Enav mode). They were going to contact GRT to see if they had changed something in their SW recently. Ours is using version 34 right now.
Update on GRT issue

Carlos at GRT helped me find it. Turns out the AP was not wired to the GRT at all, only to the 300xl. Works great now.

Thanks to all for suggestions.