
Well Known Member
RV Central is finishing up two RV 8s. We need another one. or two... or three
Get your order in. I like RV8s
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First Flights. 3? RV Central

IF the Fog Lifts we will try to fly the two new RV8s tomorrow, January 29, 2005

Robert Helms RV 8 QB 180hp ECI carb, Amarillo, TX
Robert Dean RV 8 QB 180 hp ECI carb, San Antoino,TX
And !!!!.,.! Durm roll please!!..,.,,..... Doug Reeves RV 6 ... Flash.. with its new 180 hp engine

I will warm up in Borrowed Horse RV 6

Need more 8 builders here!! We can do one in 3/4 months if you are any good/help? at all?
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Bob Dean RV 8 First Flight

The celing was low but not too low here at Hicks (52F). I managed to put 20 minutes on "Bob" Robert Dean's RV-8 today.

Doug Reeves flew chase in Borrowed Horse with an Excited Bob in the right seat.

Flash could have flown but Doug was having too much fun in Borrowed Horse. Said we could wait until Monday.

Robert Helms RV 8 sat because he didnt show?? I guess he looked outside and figured we couldnt fly. Did not answer his Cell. So we will have to wait on that one. That just gives us more to look forward to.
Thanks for reading
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Another First Flight

JayBird, congratulations on yet another successful first flight, an incredible achievement!

We know you have built 17, or whatever the number is, RVs, but how many first flights have you made? Without exaggeration, I am sure that you have more first flights to your credit than Chuck Yeager, Neil Armstrong, and Tom Morgenfeld combined. The fact that they have all been in experimental homebuilt aircraft, not supported by vast corporate or government resources, makes it even more astounding.

I did not make it to Hicks today due to working on my plane, plus I thought you had zero chance of flying due to weather. I will make one of these to see the legend continue!

First Flights

Scorch! I never counted them up till now,....,,,!
22 first flights in RVs and some other types

2 RV 8a
8 RV 8
6 RV 6
3 RV 7
2 RV7A
1 first flight in my North Star
3 first flights in other types

I have built / helped on the major part of 26 RVs and 4 other kinds. Nine airplanes have been solo build efforts.

Some of the owners did their own first flights. 2 were RV 6a So I have not had the pleasure of flying a RV 6A model yet.
Two Time RV Builder Pat Stewart has ask me to fly his RV8s. The newest, a RV8a flew fine.
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Bob Deans RV 8: Second Flight

Wow! I flew another 30 minutes today in Bobs RV 8,,,,,. I gotta do it!!! I have to build another RV 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doug says the tail wheel, "is no big deal" Let me tell you, if you can fly/ land Flash you can do a RV 8 no problem. Yes it can be messed up, but it IS easer, in my opinion, than Borrowed Horse RV 6.
Congrats to Jay Pratt

And I wanted to add Congrats to Jay for his photo and mention in the Feb issue of EAA's Sport Aviation under "What Our Members are Building and Restoring" for his North Star. Not that anybody's counting, but the other day I noticed that Jay was the leader in number of posts on this new FORUMS site. Jay, you are one busy guy!
Attention: Jay

So, there I am today, cruising around my local field (GKY) and all of the sudden an RV is 'peeking out of a hangar'..... Slam on the brakes, and go introduce myself to the gentleman inside the hangar....low and behold, although it was not an -8 (like this thread is about), there sat a beautiful RV-6. As I am chatting with the owner, I find out it is one of your creations! N46RV, Roy Geer. What a nice plane! I really enjoyed meeting and speaking with Roy as well. One heck of a nice guy.

And I am not sure if it was one of your original mod's or not, but the simple mod that turned the slider into a tip-up as well, was REALLY cool.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I saw another one of your builds. I was highly impressed! (I guess the red/white checkered rudder is a trademark? :D )

Have a great evening!
another one


Keep cruising,,,, there is another one ,RV8, at Grand Prairie, GPM, with my name on the data plate. trim,,,,,, green and gold,..... no checkers
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Bob Dean Gone

RV Central is looking a little empty this morning.
Bob Dean has flown his RV8 home to New Braunfels. He said he would wait on the paint.
I have another "finish up" RV 8 coming in Sunday. You know?, one that is 90% done and 90% to go. This one will go fast, really not much to do on it.
Still looking for RV 8 builders!!
I followed Bob Dean out yesterday and I couldn't keep up, I had to ask for him to pull back. His 8 is faster than that old Borrowed Horse.
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rv7boy !

Thanks for the Congrats! I am, guilty of having too much fun! and no visible means or support? work in a hobby job??? Sushhhhsh....
Next time we fly out to visit Tobin,RV 7in P Cola. I hope we can meet up @ LuLus

rv7boy said:
And I wanted to add Congrats to Jay for his photo and mention in the Feb issue of EAA's Sport Aviation under "What Our Members are Building and Restoring" for his North Star. Not that anybody's counting, but the other day I noticed that Jay was the leader in number of posts on this new FORUMS site. Jay, you are one busy guy!
RV Central ... Gone Fishing!!!

Hanger mate Claud and his RV 8 are in Denver..... Really.
Chris Pratt's RV 8 is in the paint shop.
Robert Helms just took off in his RV 8 for home, Amarillo, Texas
'Borrowed Horse' and 'Shooter' are next door with the Heberlings cats.
It's just me and the Guppy (RV 10) waiting on radios and insturments

Looks like the RV Camping trip is in order!!!!!!!!!!
Hello!!! ... IDAHO!!! :D
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Idaho Bound


When and where in Idaho are you intending to visit? I'd bet Johnson Creek, but let me know. I'd like to meet you.

John Siebold
Not RV8 but first flight RV7


Troy Cokers RV7 lifted off Thursday Dec 1, 2005. It was a good flight. No drips, no runs, no errors,,,,
He has a nice plane. He did a good job.
Thanks Troy,

RV 8 Gear ???

Has anyone ever seen a 8 with 4/6/7 style gear?
I think the Rocket is the best looking sport plane out there. I wish the RV 8 had RV4 style gear or the Rocket was the same price as a RV8 QB,and they had a 4 cylinder Rocket.
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Haven't seen that gear arrangement but at least for looks the fastback 8 sure looks nice.

Yep, if the f1 rocket qb kit was 15k cheaper, I'd buy it in a heartbeat! I think the insurance is a little high, too. It is a great looking plane.
jBirds RV 8

The 'New'...! Borrowed Horse has been ordered from Vans

RV8 QB ordered tonight.
Habits are hard to break

You just can't stop. :) I'm starting to wire my RV8 fuse and for some reason, I'll bet you get yours done before mine :)
Jay Style

I know you have been thinking about an 8 for a long time. Congrats and I know you will have that thing finished..."Jay Style" Faaasst.

Alex D

Congrat's! Does this mean you will now be the proud owner of THREE planes? (the North Star, the -6, and now the -8)?

Awesome news; I know you have wanted one for quite a long time!

Take care,

The New! Borrowed Horse, A RV8, 0-360-A1A Carb, Grove Gear, steam guages, will be built simple and light. It will be built after hours, here, in about a year from the time Toni Partain brings it.
I love yanking and banking in a 8.
Sunday I had to do 25 / 25 Squared to keep up! with Doug and Danny. I can beat them off the turf with my prop, but they can out run me... My new RV8 will kik butt, stay tuned.....
The RV6 will be on sale near the time the new one is ready to fly., or later, or not?
I am, putting the 95 Jeep on the market.Keeping the CJ for now....
Receved the 4th plane today. It is a Super Cub in the form of A basket case of Piper parts.

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Yea, I'll try to get it done in record time. But I got a full house now, and Idaho is calling next summer.
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Congrats on the 8! Hope to see it some time if I can ever get by there. My 7 QB wings , fuselage, and finish kit should be here soon. Chicken Enchiladas today at Airport cafe. :)

Brent Colvin
N131LC Reserved
RV 8 The 'New Borrowed Horse'

Emp kit received January 16, 2006.

Plan to do 2+ hours every day after regular work. So far so good..?

QB and finish should ship via Partain, early March, 2006
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Empty hanger

RV Central is again looking a little empty this morning.

Yesterday, July 2, 2006, Mel Asberry DAR signed off two new airplanes here @ RV Central. We got them in the air! Both of them! We had lots of help.
Ron Bonnette RV7A QB, 0-360 Cato 3 blade prop
Steve 'Amazen' Grace RV8 QB , IO-360 Aero Compo$its 3 blade
Both planes did real well on a 30 minute flight each. Charlie Kearns flew chace in my 'Borrowed Horse' with Steve and Ron snaping pics of their planes from the right seat.
Steve moved his 8 to another hanger and Ron will head home to Mesquite, TX, later this week. I have another RV8 due in in Sept and Mike Pratt RV 8, is coming in for finish up too.
The new 'Borrowed Horse' RV 8 QB is on the gear and has tail feathers and an engine. Lynn Vaughn is working on his RV7, so the barn is not completely empty.

Kinda neet flying two new airplanes in one day. Hope your Sunday was as fun as mine.
See you at OSH? I am flying 'Shooter' the North Star/Super Cub. I will be based @ New Holstein, WI with 50+? more Super Cubs. I plan to fly in for at least one day of the show probably Tues 25th, hang with Doogie, Sky, and Scorch
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RV Builder Needed

RV Central Needs a RV 8 builder here! I have an empty space. Get yours in and get it flying.
I can make it happen.