
Active Member
My RV7 tipup panel is filling fast. I originally thought I could fit a row of swithes in along the bottom of my stock panel but, no joy. I need to fabricate something for switches beneath my stock panel.

I have seen one very nice design for a backlit switch subpanel. But, I am not sure I can pull it off.

I thought I would see what other solutions may have been put out there to provide a row of switches beneath a stock panel. Hopefully, I could use stock alumninum or other off the shelf material.

Thanks for any suggestions....

I didn't actually use it (didn't need the space), but if you got a QB, the bar that held it together about where the panel is now is a nice heavy piece of U-shaped Al that would screw nicely onto the bottom of the stock panel and give you a couple extra inches of panel space.
