
Active Member
I've got my heart set on building a -10. I've got the order form filled out (i think) and ready to fax. There's just one problem in the way.

Mum doesn't trust anything you build yourself (especially a plane.) and Dad's 2 word comeback to the anything the involves the word experimental is John Denver.

I've tried telling them that it would be educational, be something to be proud of, get me off the computer, cheaper than a factory build. Hasn't seemed to work.

so what arguments did you use to get your parents/other half to go along with it?
Van's QB kits are made overseas utilizing minimum wage labor. While I've not seen any aircraft assembly lines (certified), I have seen automotive assembly lines. Mistakes happen all the time.

Most of us builders are so anal rententive that we will rebuild a component over again if it isn't perfect. This leads to the arguement that a kit bit aircraft may actually be built better than a certified one.
While I know I do make mistakes, but I can correct them. Worse case, call Van's and order a new part. You may not know what you get when you buy from others. I know my RV-10 will be in much better condition that my Cherokee 180.
smenkhare said:
Dad's 2 word comeback to the anything the involves the word experimental is John Denver.

Er...there were multiple factors in that crash, and only one of them was related to it being an amateur built aircraft. Given the same set of circumstances in a certificated factory airplane, I wouldn't necessarily bet money on a significantly different outcome.

so what arguments did you use to get your parents/other half to go along with it?

I'm scheming and planning, but my wife still isn't fully invested in the idea. But her issue is that she doesn't like to fly in anything, not that she's specifically spooked by a homebuilt.

smenkhare said:
snip...and Dad's 2 word comeback to the anything the involves the word experimental is John Denver....snip
Welcome, Peter!

Everyone in your neighborhood will think you're crazy (they will secretly envy you). Any non-aviation-educated person who mentions John Denver to me always gets the same response...."The Titanic was built by professionals. Noah's Ark was an experimental homebuilt."

Maybe show your Dad this link about the John Denver accident. COMPLETELY avoidable.

Welcome again and looking forward to meeting you someday in your flying RV!

I wish I could give you the magic words that would convince the skeptics but I just don't think they exist. I know many people that have bought a car right off the lot, new, and NEVER question how well it was made or who made it. Yeah, gravity isn't a factor with cars and yes there is a warranty but YOU will know how well built your plane is.

My wife was on board from the beginning. She likes to fly, she even likes to fly with me :D

IMHO, as long as you live under your parents roof you should respect their wishes.