
Well Known Member
I'll be at OSH working on my RV/Experimental film project Monday through Friday (weather permitting). Since I'll be flying in near max gross with all of my equipment and such, and finding power locally at the campground is tough - I'm hoping someone in the area can help me out. What I need is a big, twelve volt deep cycle battery (like a trolling motor battery) that I can use to re-charge my equipment batteries at night in the campground (vintage campground). Or possibly other access to secure storage for some equipment with AC power available. The press office at EAA has some availability, but not that secure, and this stuff is not cheap if it walks off.

If you can help me out, or know someone that can - you'll get your name in the credits! Even better, if you're flying in with an RV or other cool aircraft we'll do an interview with you!

Email if you can help f2p-at-comcast-dot-net.

Thanks as always for the assistance!

Forrest Fox


I'm staying in an RV (big non-flying kind) at Sleepy Hollow Campground, which has a nice central location at Osh. See pic below. We plan to stay the whole week. I'll have regular ole electricity, and anything you need charged oughta be pretty safe with us at the RV.

If that might work for you, just reply back and I'll make sure you can connect up with me.

A second choice

I will be at Sleepy Hollow too, saturday till thurs am. Same offer, stop by drop off what you need have a beer, come by later, have another beer and take your batteries. Just let any of us know.
Canadian beer? Hmmmm. That sounds pretty good!

It looks like I wont have any trouble finding the volts I need. When we get closer I'll get in touch with you guys and exchange cell numbers or camping spots, or something.


re: Sleepy Hollow

As stated so may times before here, I'll be at Sleepy Hollow also.:D All week. From Friday to Friday.
Maybe we could all find a minute or two to get together one evening.:)

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
cell (405) 417-6077
I will be driving my motor home from Minnesota to OSH and back and am camping in Sholler close to the vintage aircraft, If you need stuff hauled either way I can help. I also have generator and can charge your stuff.

Gary Specketer
RV10 Flying

Not to take away from the good ideas/planning of Bob Collins, but we could have the first ever RV builders, Sleepy Hollow, Canadian Beer chugging, battery chargefest! Just throwing it out there :rolleyes:

A week from Osh we should hit each other up and at least know who is who and have a beer or two and a burger if we are all in the same little campground one night.
I will be driving my motor home from Minnesota to OSH and back and am camping in Sholler close to the vintage aircraft, If you need stuff hauled either way I can help. I also have generator and can charge your stuff.

Gary Specketer
RV10 Flying

Gary - When do you go down/return? I may very well take you up on that offer. I'm in Brooklyn park. Where are you?

re: do it

Not to take away from the good ideas/planning of Bob Collins, but we could have the first ever RV builders, Sleepy Hollow, Canadian Beer chugging, battery chargefest! Just throwing it out there :rolleyes:

A week from Osh we should hit each other up and at least know who is who and have a beer or two and a burger if we are all in the same little campground one night.

I'm in. And bring pictures.:p
Since we started going to OSH 8? yrs ago, we've been staying at Sleepy Hollow. Jeff ususally gives returnees the choice as to whether or not they want the same spot or not. We've stayed in the same spot ever since. I think the number is 74. But it's on the west side at the north end on the south side of the cedar trees and backs up to the trees behind the big house. (That's mouth full):)

sleepy hollow

We are in the field in the back, we requested (again) the end of the row closest to the open field. We have a golden retriever and my wife and kids, and the inlaws coming in their own motorhome. The extra room is nice, the air conditioning runs all the time anyway, kids always find others to play frisbee, football, soccer with. Touch base in a couple weeks and we can kill some beers and bs about all the speed mods that are going to get us to Reno.

I havent looked at the schedules yet. Last year my wife insisted on seeing Harrison somebody, this year who long as i order an engine all else is good.