Need to replace a defective outside air temp probe for my Blue Mountain EFIS. Will the Dynon OAT sensor work with the BM?

Any other suggestions on a replacement?
The sensor is made by Analog Devices. You can order the sensor from DigiKey.

DigiKey Part # AD22100ATZ-ND $5.08

Analog Devices part # AD2100ATZ Temp Sensor -40 to +85C

You will have to fabricate and attach the 3 wires onto the chip

I can provide you with which wire goes where, once you have the chip "in hand".

Ordered the chip!

Thanks Charlie that was a huge help. I order from Digi-Key tonight so may reach out to you when I have it for proper connection of the three wires.

Thanks again...
Wiring diagram

Pin 1 is supply voltage [+] Pin 2 is voltage out [to the EFIS] and pin 3 is ground [-] Contact me via email and I can send you the technical service data sheet [with wiring diagram] via email.
BMA forum

I've notice that the BMA website is down now. Does anybody knows if there is still a forum for BMA Efis owners?
Blue Mountain EFIS Lite OAT problem


I find out yesterday similar issue from my EFIS when performing bench test before installing it. See the attached pictures. Please let me know that do you have similar values at the OAT calibration page. When GPS connection isn't available it show --C / --F and when GPS connection is available then you have -29C / -20F valuas available.

Is the OAT sensor gone wild??? And do I need to replace AD22100 to fix it?




Dallas, TX

Hi Fabricio

Looks like the BMA Forum is now down for good, maybe Greg has stop paying for it..

You may wanna try this site, this is where you can purchase (or use to ) the new Database for your BMA.They might know of a new forum..


Good Luck

Bruno ( Ex- BMA customer )
BMA Forum

Thanks Bruno. I've sent them an email and I'm waiting for a reply.
I have a Lite Plus Gen4 and need to find a South America Terrain database for it.
Sometime ago Greg told me that if I could find another EFIS with this database installed, that he could help me to copy the database to my efis.
Now I've found it, but I can't talk to Greg anymore.
I'm trying to find someone that can help me on that. I know that for the Gen3 it is easy to copy files using ftp and a crossover cable, but it does not work the same way for the Gen4.
