
Well Known Member
I saw a booth in one of the pavilions where a guy was selling light weight canopy covers for around $135. He had a line waiting to buy and I intended to go back later, but could not find the booth!

If someone sees the booth please grab a flyer and let me know his web address or email address or phone number.

Bruce's covers / Flightline Interiors

I don't think it would be Bruce's covers. The RV cover is about $350. Doubt they would discount it to $135.

Flightline Interiors has a cover for, I think, $165. An Oshkosh special might get you in the $135 ballpark. Maybe you should try their booth.
Vans has a lightweight cover for $185 for the 6,7,9.

It is lightweight and comes in it's own storage bag.

I'm happy with it although I would have preferred to have a soft liner insert to prevent scratches. But, I guess that's why it's the lightweight version.
Radomir got it right. I remember the posters at his booth with Type 1, 2, etc. My thanks to everyone for their help!

Seems like as a spare or occasional use if stranded this cover would be pretty good.

Great observation! You're right. Perhaps he is using two company names to protect the higher end product line while providing a lower-featured and lower-price alternative.

Flyaway covers are Bruce

I talked to the sales person at Flyaway Covers. He said his covers are Bruce's light covers.
Does Bruce's make their own covers? One of my jam lever buckles is broken. It's the "flipper" (jam lever) that locks the web strap down. If I can get one of those, it's an easy fix.
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Louise and I were wandering around the "C" building yesterday and ran across Bruce's booth - and met Bruce himself! Very nice guy, and we have both been totally satisfied by our covers. I'd expect that if you have a broken buckle, he can fix it.