jeff beckley

Well Known Member
I am needing longer push rods for a O/H we just completed.
I am looking for (4) 73436 and (4) 73437
Anyone know someplace that swaps rods?
Just checking

Hi Jeff,

Do you have the valve rotator caps on the exhaust valves?
These are easy to forget.

That would only account for (4) pushrods needing to be longer though.

Any local engine shop

jeff beckley said:
I am needing longer push rods for a O/H we just completed.
I am looking for (4) 73436 and (4) 73437
Anyone know someplace that swaps rods?

Check any local engine shop... they should have lots of spares...

I just got my Tiger cylinders back this week from a Top OH, and they sent me full sets of all three sizes of pushrods... I used what I needed and will send the others back next week.

Where are you located??

The O-360-Axxxx doesn't list a 73437 rod... which model Lycoming is it??

gil in Tucson
Mark. I'm starting to think you know something or two. You mentioned the rotator caps. I went out to look and they were not installed. A friend gave me two that he had. Using the rods I had I was able to adjust all the intakes to .050" and with the caps for the exhaust I got them to .053. So now I only need to find two more caps and two rods p/n 73435.

Gil I got that number from a lycoming service list. Apparently it does not matter because I needed the rotator caps.
I am located in Des Moines. Not too many shops around here. At least not ones that cater to homebuilders.
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