
Well Known Member
I'm about to make the jump to building an RV9. I need tools, introduction to riviting, buiding, ect. Can anyone help?
Check the RV White pages

See: http://www.vansairforce.net/db/RVWPcode/rvwp_9.asp There is a 9 builder listed for Ocala and he can probably put you in touch with others, since the white pages list only a small number of the total builders.

Also check the white pages listing for all types, not just RV-9's as the 7's, 8's & 9's go together pretty much alike.

Then check EAA.org & look for a chapter in your area. I would give you the URL but the website seems to be down this evening.
East coast 9

Hi Dan............If you are ever on the east side, I'm building a RV-6 and a RV-9A at the New Smyrna Beach Airport (KEVB), a couple miles south of Daytona.....Joe.

I'm about to make the jump to building an RV9. I need tools, introduction to riviting, buiding, ect. Can anyone help?

I'm at the Inverness airport (x40) and your welcome to stop by to see my 8A project. I also have a RV-9 tail kit completed you may be interested in.

Alexanders Technical - Big Help!

Beth & I did the tail kit school @ Griffen, GA -Money well spent for new builders. Came home with the tail section built and the knowledge needed to feel good about the whole process. Five months later and we are finishing the wings (slow build) and starting the fuselage.

Welcome & good luck...