I have a RV 3 with the fast back mod. I asked for information at Van's booth at OSH this year and was told that Van's did not design this option and they did not know anything about it. The people at Van's do not seem very interested in talking to anyone who is not interested in buying a new kit, especially if he is not the builder of the airplane that he owns. I understand that they make their money selling kits but I buy some parts from them and I am at least a small customer. Would think that they would try to be a little helpful if they are not busy and they were not busy at the time. (I waited till they were real slow to ask.) Does anyone out there know how I can get information on the fast back RV 3. For one thing, if Van's didn't design it, who did? I would like to redesign my canopy and need ideas. I talked to Jeff Rogers with Airplane Plastics (REAL NICE GUY) at OSH and he can make a bubble any way I want it. Would like to get ideas from people who have fast back's. No sense reinventing the wheel.

Steve Price
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fast back

I saw one like it for sale last year and the advertiser called a fast back RV 3. The rear fuselage is built higher and it has a back window. The front window is fixed like one with a slider canopy. It is no faster than my girlfriends RV 3. Hers goes a little faster but she is 65lb lighter than I. It does have more room inside for a big guy. Would be better to call it a fat boy mod. If someone can tell me how to do it I will post a picture.

Steve Price
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It isn't a one off because i have seen another for sale I think is was in trade-a-plane Will try to send pic. Last time I made it to big. wish me luck.

It isn't a one off because i have seen another for sale I think is was in trade-a-plane Will try to send pic. Last time I made it to big. wish me luck.

Saw this one a while back, so there seems to be a few moded ones around:
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another one


thanks for the pic. I knew there was another one out there somewhere. Gene nelson built mine but i don't know where he lives. i have sent for the records from the faa and they might have his address.
I think there was an "RV3R" advertised on trade-a-plane awhile back. RV3 with a -360 and fastback mod. I think it also might have gone through a landing accident (flip over) awhile back also...

Edit: EAA's website says there was a listing in the 1987 October issue on page 23 of a Harmon Rocket RV3 with an IO360 , maybe John Harmon could provide some information.
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I think there was an "RV3R" advertised on trade-a-plane awhile back. RV3 with a -360 and fastback mod. I think it also might have gone through a landing accident (flip over) awhile back also...
This was bought by the guy a few hangars down from me. It did go on its back. It suffered more damage by the salvage company than the accident. The guy is going to rebuild it. I suspect it will take a year or two before it flies again.

I found out where the fastback came from. Gene Nelson in Tuscon AZ built his first RV3 and decided that this design would be a little faster than the standard RV3. It also gives you a lot more room for pilot and bags. He is correct. It is a win win choice. He built 4 RV 3's and all were fastback. He built all with a tip up canopy made of steel tubing and three pieces of lexan. Mine was later modified with a sliding canopy. Some of my friends think the standard design looks better and some like the fastback better. To each his own! You be the judge.

fastback RV 3

I found out where the fastback mod came from. Gene Nelson of
Tuscon AZ was building an RV 3 and decided that this change would have less drag and more room for pilot and bags as well. He was right. It is a win win idea. Some people think the orignal design looks better but to each his own. Gene built 4 of these and does not know of anyone else building one.. His all were built with with tip up canopys made out of steel tubing and 3 pieces of Lexan. Kind of reminded you of an early P51 or P40 canopy


This is the third time I have tried to send this message and it does not show up next time I check the forums posts. Must be doing something wrong. Sure wish I was better on computers.