Well Known Member
Considering a Canadian RV that was previously an American RV.
I know it must be de-registered in Canada and only then can I register it in America.
I believe I have to get a new inspection by a DAR, even though it was previously registered in the US, correct?
Will I have to have a phase 1 fly off?
What does a DAR typically charge?
Any other gotchas or concerns?
Thank you
I recently brought a Canadian homebuilt into the US. I live near St Louis and used a local DAR. Make sure you have some proof it was built, i.e. builders logs etc. That was my only sticking point but we worked through it. If it was already registered in the US, it shouldn't be a problem. Contact me offline for the name of the DAR. He can only charge for travel expenses, etc.
Went thru this last February. Feel free to PM or call me. Process was just that, a "process". Very important that you can "prove" the build via a builder's log with pics. Also, make absolutely certain that the airplane still meets general airworthiness criteria. Expect a lot of attention to the paperwork first and then, airworthiness of the airplane.
