
I'm New Here
I am in the process of wiring the instrument panel in my 8. I am installing a D-180 flight display with a Garmin 340 audio panel, GNS430, Icom IC-A210 and a GTX327 transponder. All was going as advertised until I started installation of the IC-A210. The installation instructions look like something you would use to install your new VCR. Instructions for this radio as a stand alone com are clear enough but I need to connect the A210 to the 340 audio panel. Instructions for this are very vague at best. :confused:

Has anyone installed an Icom IC-A210 connected to a Garmin GMA340? If so I would really appreciate help with the pin connections.

I did not connect mine to a 340 but I did use a PSeng 3000 and the manual for the intercom was more usefull for figuring out how to connect it. I used the manual from the A210 more just to to ID the wires I needed.
The A210 has a lot of built-in features, like intercom, aux inputs, etc. If you want to use the GMA 340 to handle all that instead, then all you need to connect on the A210 is the pilot's headset connections to the Radio inputs on the 340, and then disable the internal intercom and aux inputs in the A210's setup menu. From the A210's perspective, it thinks you only have one headset, and no other connections.
A 210

Did any of you have trouble getting the tiny little indexing tab installed in the Molex connector? I have just about given up on it. As long as im certain it's right side up when I screw it to the tray I should be ok no?
Boy, that was a long time ago, but I don't recall any particular problems with the tab. But you're right - as long as the plug goes in the correct way up, and you have all the connectors in the right slots, it should work fine.

No problem here...I would not loose sleep over it. Just make triple sure it is installed correctly or you will get smoke!!!!
mine didn't smoke

but it did get sent back to the factory where they replaced the internal fuse, 80 bucks and a stupid decision later.
