
Well Known Member
The ANR feature on my Bose X battery powered headset (the one with the battery compartment that holds two AA batteries inline) will not stay on more than a second without turning itself off. I tried two sets of new batteries with no luck. So I took it to the Bose tent during SNF for a repair. They wouldn't even look at it. Rather they said they do not support that headset any longer but would be happy to take it in trade and sell me a new Bose A20 for $700. I asked him if it was a known issue or was something simple that could be fixed. He said it could not be fixed , but he could not tell me what the precise problem was, and repeated his offer to take it in trade. I declined. The idea that Bose will not support a headset this expensive that is less then 10 years old is disturbing.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be, or who I can contact for a repair? :mad:
I would contact Bose directly and see what they say. You may have been dealing with just some sales agent at SNF.


I got the same runaround from Bose when I tried to buy a replacement cable for my Card (not supported, no parts available). But I found the part I needed at I realize that doesn't solve your exact issue, but I wanted to pass along that parts are available if you look for them.
I do believe they support it as I just sent mine for repair/service just about a month ago. They have a flat fee of $225 which I am not sure if it includes the down cable. I also have a new down cable for sale if you are interested. Make me an offer and part of it will go to VA as donation

My story... Called Bose to see about repairing a broken Lemo plug. They asked for my headset serial number and determined my set was 17 years old and could not repair it. Offered $400 discount on an A20 which I took.
My story... Called Bose to see about repairing a broken Lemo plug. They asked for my headset serial number and determined my set was 17 years old and could not repair it. Offered $400 discount on an A20 which I took.

Probably would not repair it rather than could no repair it.
A couple months ago, I had a broken yoke on my 2001 vintage X. In speaking with the customer service rep, he said that there was some cut-off point and/or design change. Those made before the date will not be accepted for repair (which is essentially a rebuild). I was able to (after a bit of letter writing...) get a pair of the yokes for mine. Took 5 minutes to replace the broken one.

They are free to run their business however they please, just as we are able to purchase from whomever we please. I wouldn't do it the way they do, but they are successful in spite of it.