
Hi folks,

Well, it finally happened. I developed a small crack on the right side of my canopy and overnight it grew to a 4" crack that I have since successfully stop-drilled. Given the fact that the canopy is 23 years old and there are several imperfections in it I think I want to replace the canopy, the frame is fine.

Is there anyone in the Arizona or Southern California area that is willing to replace the canopy for me? I would purchase all of the necessary items and would pay for your labor. I would love to do this myself (and with the help of someone that has done it before) but I simply don't have the time to do the work.

Thanks all,
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Chris.. First things first eh, consult vans mountain and get an idea of what the course of action is and the steps involved.. Review the plans yourself so you understand what you or someone else may do to your bird. Then re read the process of the prints Till you known exactly what's the process then proceed with repair. That's what I would do
May I request what are your plans without the old part. I would like it for study and I live in co cal so I am just a hour and half away. It it a slider or tip.
Hi Billy, thanks for the reply.

I have a rough understanding of what to do but again my problem is not having the time to do it myself. I'm looking for someone that has replaced a canopy on a flying airplane. It's a tip-up and the frame is in good shape and the intent is to replace just the main tip-up canopy, the left and right rear windows are fine.

What do you think?
I spoke to a fella in havasu, he is a rocket owner or he used to be. Let me try to find him in my email and I will try to get you in contact with him. Give me 24 hr.