
Well Known Member
I just finished installing my GTX 335 with internal gps but have some error messages.

On the main screen is says "MSG NO 1090ES TX"

I went to the message screen it said:

I believe the "ads-b position input failed" message is because the airplane was in a steel hanger because both my 430 gps' also said RAIM IS NOT AVAILABLE. However my lower 430 also said "NO ALTITUDE INPUT IS BEING RECEIVED which would correlate with the second message of the GTX 335.

I just removed a GTX 330 which was working fine but it was non-ES. My RV has dual GRT Horizon WS EFIS' with an ARINC 429. My 430s are non-WAAS. I assume altitude information was sent to the old 330 transponder from the EFIS through either the ARINC or RS232 connections.

The other day I asked the "G3Xpert" for programming help and he referred me to their field service engineer. The field engineer's response basically was "each field entry is explained in the preceding pages" of the various sections of the manual. Not much help from Garmin!!!

I'm pretty sure my "problems" are programming related and how I misprogrammed "INTERFACES" and possibly "SENSORS."

My old GTX 330 was set at:
429 Input
Channel 1: Speed - Low; Data - ADC NO ALT
Channel 2: Speed - Low; Data - GPS/FMS
Channel 3: Speed - Low; Data - OFF

429 Output
Channel 1: Data - OFF
Channel 2: GARMIN W/TIS

RS 232 Input
Channel 1: OFF
Channel 2: ICARUS ALT

RS 232 Output
Channel 1: OFF
Channel 2: OFF

Of course the manual for the GTX 335 labels RS232 and ARINC 429 settings with totally different names and the explanations don't help me translate from one label to another. If anyone can give me some guidance I would really appreciate it!

Jim Harris
The 335 has a huge maze of menus and settings. Get a chart from the shop that sold you the unit and make sure all of the settings are right. I can set up a Stratus ESG in about 2-3 minutes. The 335 takes about 20-30 (only slightly exaggerated).
Transponder set up

Another option is to call the Garmin Experimental number direct line and have one of the techs walk you through the menu pages while sitting in your plane. I did this with my GTX345 set up.

Got re installation manual

The 335 has a huge maze of menus and settings. Get a chart from the shop that sold you the unit and make sure all of the settings are right. I can set up a Stratus ESG in about 2-3 minutes. The 335 takes about 20-30 (only slightly exaggerated).

I had Stein email me the installation manual last week. Unfortunately it was Saturday afternoon by the time I finished the install and Steinair was closed. I will call them first thing Monday morning to get their assistance while I'm sitting in the airplane.

I agree the installation menu on the GTX 335 is exhausting. The manual would have helped if better explanations of the menu choices were provided. Conversion of 330 menu choice names to 335 menu choice names leaves a lot to be desired.

I need to get the issue resolved quickly so I can test fly Monday. On Tuesday I fly to San Antonio to attend a family event, return to OKC Wednesday/Thursday and fly to OSH Saturday with a group of friends. Busy week but didn't want the installation delayed since I want adsb out and in for these trips into higher traffic areas. I will use FlightBox to feed my EFIS and iPad for adsb IN traffic.
Dumb ADSB question

As I am part of the group that will be flying with Jim on Saturday, if you are flying in a group with someone with ADSB OUT will the traffic warnings from ADSB IN equipped aircraft be continuously triggered :confused: (in my case GDL 39 and 796), can this be filtered somehow?
I'm still in the process of installing the GTX335 in my Tiger, but the on-line documents come with a "setup guide" and an ".exe" file for a PC. Garmin gives you access to these documents online when you register your unit.

Do you have a PC laptop available? If so it seems like the GTX335 can be fully programmed step by step via the provided USB port.

You do have the USB input connected don't you?
I'm still in the process of installing the GTX335 in my Tiger, but the on-line documents come with a "setup guide" and an ".exe" file for a PC. Garmin gives you access to these documents online when you register your unit.

Do you have a PC laptop available? If so it seems like the GTX335 can be fully programmed step by step via the provided USB port.

You do have the USB input connected don't you?

I had Steinair build me a conversion harness so I do have the USB port wired into the GTX 335 (but it's a different type of USB harness than I'm use to seeing). It's a good thing I had Steinair build me the harness because there was a lot to this installation that I didn't understand and wouldn't have accomplished if I'd attempted to do the wiring myself (Example: Wire in a USB hub and Keep GPS Alive wiring). Best money spent!

I have not registered the unit yet (thinking I'd wait until I installed it) but again this lack of knowledge (understanding) on my part identifies the challenge of a self installation for a rookie. Electronics is not my strongest suit but being "cheap" is what makes me attempt things like this. Most of the time it works out because tenacity keeps me at it until I figure things out (usually with a lot of questions and help in between). But this is what I like about RVs and the VAF community and also the education that projects like this provide.

I didn't build this RV (bought it two and a half years ago from the original builder) but have since fixed a large number of "build quality issues", installed several electronic enhancements such as wiring up adsb "in", moving magnetometers because the builder placed them too close to the radio antenna resulting in serious heading issues, replacing a failed autopilot controller, removing manual trim and installation of electric elevator and aileron trim with Pat Hatch's Ultimate Trim Hub controller, removal of two button grips and installation of dual five button military style grips with coolie hat trim, transponder ident, PTT and CPTT, A/P connect/disconnect, flaps, and freq/comm swap using a lot of the functionality that my Aerotronics panel had previously been wired for.

Often these projects start out with a simple idea and very conservative time line and grow into major projects because I didn't initially recognize the complexity of the idea in the beginning. I just bring this up because it demonstrates my willingness (maybe stupidly) to tackle projects that I deem important.

So while I'm not the original builder I still use the RV experience to expand my knowledge and keep myself busy in retirement. Long answer to why I'm having trouble understanding what the installation manual says and why programming has been such a challenge.

G3Xpert saw my thread on this and sent me another email which helped my thinking process a little. I'm reviewing the old 330 setting pictures I took before removing the unit, cross referencing them to his email and the manual, and will look at my EFIS general settings to see what serial port feeds data to the transponder. Hopefully doing these steps and calling Steinair in the morning when I'm at the plane will quickly resolve this crisis for me.

Once again the VAF community and its advertisers prove why these aircraft and associated avionics are so great!
As I am part of the group that will be flying with Jim on Saturday, if you are flying in a group with someone with ADSB OUT will the traffic warnings from ADSB IN equipped aircraft be continuously triggered :confused: (in my case GDL 39 and 796), can this be filtered somehow?

Fig (Dennis and Steve say I should call you "Shredder"),
I don't think me having adsb out near your airplane will be a problem. In fact it should make your adsb in work better. Ads-b in is triggered (I'm told) by an adsb out signal near you. The closer the out signal the more reliable the adsb in position is to your aircraft. Remember when your flying in rural areas you often don't get adsb in traffic information because your not near an adsb out signal. My aircraft in the group (I believe) will provide better traffic information to everyone using only adsb in information on their iPad.
You need all of the documents

The IM isn't really enough.

Trouble shooting procedures are in this document -

190-00734-11-GTX335-maint-manual-and -ICA.pdf

Register your unit and get all of the latest documents, it's free and better than getting a single document emailed to you.
Fig (Dennis and Steve say I should call you "Shredder"),
My aircraft in the group (I believe) will provide better traffic information to everyone using only adsb in information on their iPad.

My question is that with a group of 6 or 7 of us flying in fairly close proximity with you lighting up the system, will my 796 "bitchin Betty" be continuously saying "Traffic, Traffic" all the time? This could get annoying after 3 or 4 hours :eek:
Found answer

Found the answer to my question in the latest version of the 796 manual, basically I can mute or turn off the traffic audio alerts when receiving TIS-A inputs.
Steinair helped

Josh at Steinair helped me correct my programming errors. Big thanks to Josh!

Went flying in class C airspace, flew a couple of ILS approaches at PWA and later in the afternoon went to the FAA website to download my Performance Report. Guess I didn't fly enough time in class C because the email response said "Your Performance Report request for Tail Number N523RM on 7/17/2017 failed to generate a result." Approach had no problem tracking me though.

I'm flying tomorrow to Castroville municipal near San Antonio, Tx and will make sure I fly above 10,000 feet. Hopefully this flight will be sufficient to generate a proper Performance Report. Need to keep my fingers crossed because there was some question on one "interface" setup setting.
Went flying in class C airspace, flew a couple of ILS approaches at PWA and later in the afternoon went to the FAA website to download my Performance Report. Guess I didn't fly enough time in class C because the email response said "Your Performance Report request for Tail Number N523RM on 7/17/2017 failed to generate a result." Approach had no problem tracking me though.


That happened to a friend with a RV-6A and he asked for a manual review (maybe an option in the report email) and he got his positive result the next day and a code for his $500 rebate.

However, in your case, it seems that according to FlightAware your Mode S output may not have been consistent.

Green rebate

That happened to a friend with a RV-6A and he asked for a manual review (maybe an option in the report email) and he got his positive result the next day and a code for his $500 rebate.

However, in your case, it seems that according to FlightAware your Mode S output may not have been consistent.


Did my flight to San Antonio Tuesday. Still had an ads-b error message. Called Steinair again and this time I was able to better define the error message. Chris gave me the programming solution very quickly. On Wednesday I entered the programming fix and flew home to OKC. No error messages and when I checked my FAA validation request it was all "green." Submitted my claim today, it was approved, and now I get a little "green" rebate check.

Of course Garmin just announced the GDL 82 UAT solution for less money but it's 978 not 1090ES output. I prefer 1090ES.

Now I just need to sell my GTX 330 to someone who already has a WAAS gps (430W or 530W) and wants to upgrade my 330 to ES through Garmin. If someone wants it, make an offer, I will have it at Oshkosh with its mounting rack and back plate.

Anyone interested in my GTX 330 can text me at four zero 5 - 76one - 3three7for.
GTX335 Issues

Installing GTX335 and finding significant differences between wizard and internal configuration. I can enable the GAM12 altitude encoder with the wizard but not the internal configuration. What are the settings to enable the GAM12 altitude encoder?

I can enable RX232 output for NMEA GPS data on the internal configuration but the choice is not available with the wizard. Don't think this feature works with either.

How to load latest GTX335 software? The wizard shows no new software available. Did you folks need new binary downloads before the config was successful? Having no-joy spinning in circles.

Prescott, AZ
Installing GTX335 and finding significant differences between wizard and internal configuration. I can enable the GAM12 altitude encoder with the wizard but not the internal configuration. What are the settings to enable the GAM12 altitude encoder?

I can enable RX232 output for NMEA GPS data on the internal configuration but the choice is not available with the wizard. Don't think this feature works with either.

How to load latest GTX335 software? The wizard shows no new software available. Did you folks need new binary downloads before the config was successful? Having no-joy spinning in circles.

Prescott, AZ

Wish I could help you but it?s been more than a few ?nights? since I originally started this thread. My suggestion is to contact Chris at Steinair for assistance.
Wish I could help you but it’s been more than a few “nights” since I originally started this thread. My suggestion is to contact Chris at Steinair for assistance.
Or, call or email the G3Xpert guys at Garmin. I am sure between Stein and Garmin you will get your answers.
Installing GTX335 and finding significant differences between wizard and internal configuration. I can enable the GAM12 altitude encoder with the wizard but not the internal configuration. What are the settings to enable the GAM12 altitude encoder?

I can enable RX232 output for NMEA GPS data on the internal configuration but the choice is not available with the wizard. Don't think this feature works with either.

How to load latest GTX335 software? The wizard shows no new software available. Did you folks need new binary downloads before the config was successful? Having no-joy spinning in circles.

Prescott, AZ

Hello Bill,

Please contact us by phone or email shown below if we can help you out in any way.
