
Well Known Member
I can not get my G3X magnetometer calibrated. I have followed to install manual to a T. It just keeps telling me to turn right 30 degress and never says calibration succesful. A few times it has said GDU timeout. One thing that I noticed is that every once in a while I get a red X on the Air Data list. could this be a AHRS hardware problem? I have checked all of the connections. And everything is good. Any help would be great. You can post here or call me. 317-201-8517. My airplane is ready to fly except for this problem! Thank you!!
check mag connections?

Have you verified the pinouts at the magnatometer connector? maybe a couple of wires are in the wrong location? I had to remove the wires from the connector to run the wiring for mine, don't know if you did the same but worth checking either way.
I had a similar problem. Kept expecting it to say something.

It is exquisitely sensitive to anything metallic or electrical.

In my case it was a 110 volt line 6 feet under the runway and then it was a seat belt buckle nearby.

1. Confirm there are no electrical devices or wiring near the plane.
2. If the problem persists then pull the magnetometer and tape it on top of the canopy or wing far from ANY ferous metal. If it calibrates then you need to find the offending item or a new locartion.

It should only take one 360 degree circle to calibrate.
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Magnetomter trouble.

I did double check the pin out. The numbering on this plug is like no other that I have seen. I am guessing that the area that I am trying to calibrate in is dirty. Thanks for the reply's.
A problem I had with a different system was steel rebar in the concrete hangar floor.

magnetometer calibration need to be outside, away from steel and powerlines.
Can't stress enough how inportant a "clean" site is. We recently had a customer with the same problem, but when he relocated off the pavement to an area of grass, magnetometer passed the first time. Also it may sound obvious but make absolutely sure that the magnetometer is pointing forward. Good luck!
In the grass

Calibrating in the grass is a great idea! After further review I think my Air Data signal is not staying valid during the calibration process. I will be calling Garmin this morning!
When I needed to calibrate my magnetometer, I had to fly to an airport with a compass rose painted on the ramp. After two circuits of the compass rose, which had tie down anchors in amongst the compass rose, ending in no calibration, I figured I'd try a clear asphalt area of the ramp away from the compass rose.

One circle around making 30 degree turns as directed gave me a successful calibration. The moral: painted compass roses, no matter how nice looking, may or may not be usable for the magnetometer calibration.

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A compass rose is not required, and in fact in our experience has shown to be frequently unsuitable. As mentioned in previous post, sometimes a clear area of the ramp works. You need to start the alignment within 5 deg. of mag. north, and the G3X system does the rest, telling you when to stop and start your turn. You should definately have the engine running.