
Well Known Member
My wife and I are thinking about adopting a weimaraner puppy. Her long floppy ears reminded me of a thread that I saw here on the forum within the last year or so.

Someone posted a picture of their new floppy eared puppy and were asking for ideas on what to name him/her. As I recall there was some very clever aviation related responses. I tried the search function but I can't seem to find the thread.

I cant find it either, sorry.

Probably in the "test" forum, posts there dont stay around all that long.
Not quite

Mike, you've got the right idea but it's not the thread I had in mind. Here's a picture of a weimaraner puppy I found online. As I recall the responses were keying in on the ears and I think the winner was "Flaps" but I don't think the name fits a female.

Yep, figured it was the wrong one, due to being 3 years old.

I remember the one you are talking about, if I recall I am the one to come up with "Flaps" even.

Like I said before, it was probably in the "test" forum, they do not go into the archives.

Cute dog-----