
Well Known Member
It is time to upgrade to current times and I am looking for the best cost effective option based on what I currently have in my Giles 202. I am tired to have my basic instruments in the front hole and watch them from a distance!

In the rear hole I currently have a VM1000 fully functional and I will like to replace with an EFIS that will include a six pack flight instruments and of course all my engine and fuel information. one problem is depth space which is limited and need something very similar to the VM1000. overall panel space can be modified to fit as needed but depth is an issue.

The thinnest EFIS I have personally seen is the MGL new one, IEFIS.

As I recall, the Dynon Skyview is pretty slim also.

Dont forget to figure in connector depth.

One thing I would suggest you be careful about, is how the AHRS will react to the kind of flying a Giles is designed for---and your avatar implies---I assume you do a bit of hard core acro?? I do not know if the AHRS will get airsick or not, but sure would be something to find out prior to purchase.
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The newer AFS system is really thin also. Saw it at the AFS shop a couple weeks ago, wow, state of the art!
Airsick yes!

Mike, I PM'd Rainier about a friend's MGL getting 'airsick' after he did about 8 turns at 60 deg. bank, looking down at friends. The Oddyssey showed that he was level after about the 5th turn but it stabilized after a short time of level flight and everything's fine now.

Rainier told me that is the reason that ATC won't give you more than 180 degrees of heading change under an IFR flight plan and even then, it is performed at 3 deg/sec and they'll happily live with that.

Greg Connell has a GRT screen in his Pitts model 12 and does everything, including lomcevaks and shoulder rolls and it's ok too.
