
Active Member
I have photos in smugmug where I generated a link to one of them. First of all, In smugmug I can?t seem to figure out how to copy the link. Secondly, in the thread I?m trying to create in the RV12 forum, I can?t seem to figure out how to paste the link into my message. I?m using an IPad Air 2. Can someone tell me how to get my photo posted.

[ed. Hi Jim

Get one of your SM pics on the screen and choose a size (bottom right corner looks like cards stacked on top of one another) that would work nice in the forums (around 800 pixels wide works good).

Once that resized pic comes up right click on it and choose 'Properties' (assuming you're on a Windows PC). The link that pops up is the link you can copy/paste into the forums using the little yellow button that looks like a picture frame (when you're composing a post).

Example: v/r,dr]

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In smugmug I did select 400 x 800 for a photo display size. I also selected the photo tool in my post that you mention. As stated in my post, I am using an iPad Air 2. Are you saying I MUST use a PC in order to have a keyboard that has a <CTRL> key so that I can copy and paste.

On an Apple product, if you right click you'll se an option for "Save image address."
Click this. To paste the address do command-v.

Command v and command c are the same on an Apple as cntl-v and cntl-c on a PC.

I am using an iPad Air 2. I have no mouse so I can?t click on anything. I also have no keyboard except for the keyboard that is displayed on the screen and I see no key that I interpret as a ?command? key. Does this mean I MUST USE A PC?
I am using an iPad Air 2. I have no mouse so I can’t click on anything. I also have no keyboard except for the keyboard that is displayed on the screen and I see no key that I interpret as a “command” key. Does this mean I MUST USE A PC?

Try tapping and holding the link or image until an option list comes up. There should be a “copy image link” and /or a “share link” option in the menu that pops up when you hold the link.
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Ok Carl, I?ve done what you showed, except I can?t do step #3. How do I copy the link? I am given no option to copy it anywhere that I can find. I have no keyboard on my iPad with a <CTRL> Key on it. If I did I would do <CTRL>c to copy it. And when I get on the forum here where I need to paste it, I have no way to paste it.
This is so frustrating. I see photos in the forum all the time. I guess I?m the only one on this site that can?t seem to figure it out.
I think I?m coming to the conclusion that this just can?t be done with an iPad, due to some bug in smugmug. If there is anyone out there who can copy a photo link from smugmug and paste it into a post USING AN IPAD, please chime in and tell me how you did it.
Need help copy/pasting photo length

Ok I have had some success copying and pasting my photo link into the message.


Hooray, it works. Sorry about my frustration. I?ve worked on this for several hours today. I finally figured out the somewhat subtle finger touches on the iPad screen that would show me copy and past options. Now That I can post a photo, I can do the real post that I was trying to do in the first place. Thanks for your help everybody!

Here is an example I held down on rv8jd pic and got a copy command, then clicked on pic icon, yellow with mountain image, clear out extra stuff in box, hold down in box and paste into there. Done with iPad mini. Get some help if you can?t figure this out. Maybe a utube search for this technique. Good luck.