
Hello, looking for a little help to get over the hump on starting the build. My girlfriend, soon to be wife, doesn't want to commit to the project until she has had a chance to experience an RV7.

We currently fly a 182, which easily fits all our stuff and our dogs. I told her our dogs will be exchanged for small dogs before we finish the build, apparently that did not help the situation.

I was hoping someone local to SLC would be willing to show her their flying RV7 and if possible give her a quick trip.

Thanks in advance.

Ted Nolan
You could try my method - though I don't recommend it....

When my tail kit showed up, she was a little smoked. Actually, she was a LOT smoked. I told her "Honey, the airplane is staying, and I hope you do too."

Just over a year later, they are both still here...
From the title of the thread I thought you were going to have to convince your wife AND your girlfriend. :D
My girlfriend, soon to be wife, doesn't want to commit to the project until she has had a chance to experience an RV7.

We currently fly a 182, which easily fits all our stuff and our dogs. I told her our dogs will be exchanged for small dogs before we finish the build, apparently that did not help the situation.

Find out what her concerns are.
Is it the number of seats & luggage space?
The time?
The Money?
Ability to bring the dogs in the plane?

Figure out where she is coming from and what her concerns are.

I was pretty far into my tail section when I started seeing my girlfriend. She was slightly concerned about only having two seats. We looked at the cost/build time/fuel burn of a 10, and it just didn't make sense for us so we kept on with the RV7 plan.
Hey Ted,

If you're a newly-wed, forget the big dogs...are kids a possibility? If they are, they take seats too. My kids are grown and I'm building a -7, but if I were younger I'd build the -10. Like was said earlier," a 182 with speed" (I like that!)
Girlfriend and Wife, well I am in Utah but fortunately or unfortunately that is not the issue.

I did look at the 10. In the end the cost of the 10 for the limited amount of time we (my understanding, i.e., no kids in the plan and soon to be smaller dogs) would use the extra space was not worth it. Plus I want the TW, even if it appears that Scott Schmidt goes every where in his 10 that I would want to go in a TW 7.

Her issue is the limited amount of space in the luggage area of the 7. No way can we fit a 75 lbs golden retriever and a pit bull back there. My argument, I don?t want to pay a lot more so we can bring the current dogs along and we can always get smaller dogs when these are gone. Not to sound heartless, but they won?t last for ever maybe 4 or 5 more years. Which she is kinda going for, other than some of the pics which make the back of the 7 look pretty small no matter how small your dog may be.

So, I really want to give her an up close and personal look at the 7 and if that still doesn?t work convince her with a ride where she will most likely forget all of her objections.
We currently fly a 182, which easily fits all our stuff and our dogs. I told her our dogs will be exchanged for small dogs before we finish the build, apparently that did not help the situation.
Yeah, I can see that. For some people, animals are interchangable. For some, they're family. Sounds like we know where she is on that spectrum.

Are you selling the 182 or do you rent it? Does building a -7 preclude continuing to fly the 182?

Flying when you have a family is no different than driving. Downsizing when you're getting married isn't the normal pattern, but if you can swing it, more power to you....

As others have suggested, perhaps a -10 is solution?

Partner on the 182, so it will be available during the build, but once the RV is flying I will probably have to make a choice.

And, yes Daisy and Jack are definitely the kids in the family according to her. I love them to, they just don't have to go everywhere with us.
Yes, I suspect they will chase their last cat and fetch their last stick in about five years. That means the RV7 will only be a problem for the last couple years they are around and then we can simplify the issue with smaller dogs.
Bring her to SLC #2

Just finished my 7 last year and I am at SLC #2 happy to show you guys the plane, there is a large RV builders group in the SLC area with planes at #2, Skypark, Ogden etc and all types 6, 6A, 7, 7a, 8, 10 either built or under construction. Very supportive group.
You guys are having the same discussion we have had about getting rid of our Pacer as the Pacer hauls a lot of gear but slower, we have decided to make the RV work. I do know someone who has a 182 and is building a RV-7 as well for the fun quotient.
Drop me an email if you want to visit.
You could try my method - though I don't recommend it....

When my tail kit showed up, she was a little smoked. Actually, she was a LOT smoked. I told her "Honey, the airplane is staying, and I hope you do too."

Just over a year later, they are both still here...

Just don't let her see the price of the C/S prop that you are going to buy for your project...............:eek:
Maybe you could board the dogs somewhere when you go in the plane, in my experience dogs do not do good in turbulance and some other situations. Have you been flying your dogs?
Needing a little Help!

I started my project before my girlfriend entered into the picture, therefore she just accepted my 7a along with the original package deal. However, I'll never forget the moment when she looked at me with a very serious look and said, "What do you mean, it doesn't have air-conditioning?" It was a little difficult explaining to her that at altitude the air was very cool and comfortable. I was fortunate in the pet department, one Boston Terrier and one Maltese, easily stored in the baggage compartment. Good luck, she'll come around.

Of course there's always the chance that if you got a x-country ride in the 10 you might change your mind - that of course would keep you out of the dog house...:D

With respect to the animal part, Tanya and I have a beagle who is our equivalent to a perpetual two year old kid and is always a direct consideration whenever we do anything. We pretty quickly get "funky" when he isn't around for a day or two. We have never, and don't intend to travel with him in the RV for reasons of noise, motion, and general hassle. However, we have a boarding ("doggie day care") place that he goes to once a week and stays at when we take an RV trip. The key is becoming very comfortable with the situation. Neither of us think twice about leaving him there for a week at a time. He is well established with his normal crowd of friends. If we can afford to fly, we can afford to be sure that the rest of our "family" is not just well taken care of but happy.
Granted, that is just the dog part of your question, but might be a very big part of it.
Pit bull?

I don't think I would want to be in any plane with a pit bull that suddenly starts feeling ear pain! :eek:

I have a little schnauzer that has flown with us numerous times and is quick to crawl into my wife's lap during turbulence. I am not sure which one is the most comforted!;) It might be a bit difficult with either of the dogs in your lap.

I would recommend the 10 too... if she is concerned not only about luggage space but carrying any pets at all - the 7 doesn't fit your mission. IMHO It would be difficult to even pay attention to them while flying in the 7 if they are in the back.
limit the options

You come up with several options that you can live with, then present them to her. Discuss the pros and cons of each, and make your decision from there. If building is the way to go, perhaps you present an RV-7 and RV-10 option.

Be realistic about the flying you will do.

Here are some of the questions I have considered and/or would consider.

Consider the build time. How long do you think it will take you to build? What are the chances that your current pets will be alive then?
what are he long term costs of airplane ownership?
How often will she fly with you?
Has your current plane become part of a lifestyle for the both of you?
How long are your trips in the airplane? Does she pack light for the weekend trips or is the "kitchen sink" going along? (If the kitchen sink is going, teach her to pack as light as possible for trips).
How often will you be flying with more than two people?

Good luck,

This is easy, it's just a matter of agreement: for every $100 you spend, she can also spend $100 in a shop of her choice...:D
This is easy, it's just a matter of agreement: for every $100 you spend, she can also spend $100 in a shop of her choice...:D

Victor, You obviously haven't heard of the three times rule. She gets to spend $300 for every $100 you spend. My ex wife hated airplanes.:rolleyes: Don
The dogs actually do really well in the plane, they just lift their heads up and look out if it gets a little bumpy. The rest of the time they really just sleep.

Most of the time we do leave the dogs at doggy day care, but we are hoping to make more trips with the RV to a place on the coast for longer than just weekends. Maybe a week or two at a time at least a few times a year if not more, so it would be nice to bring the entire "family."

Sounds like the 7 is really not an option for pets on a regular basis.

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My, saying to my better half..

I have a very reasonable wife, so I can say this and have it seam reasonable.

I have a standing offer to her,(my wife who is also a Pamela)

Hunny, you can have whatever you want, I will do my best to get it for you, but your end of the deal is that you must be very patient.

We are going on 28 yrs and I am only 47, so we must both be patient.

Give her wide open options, Tell her what you want, then let her decide.

If she's like my wife who also loves big yellow dogs, she will have it be so you get the best of both worlds.

At least you have a capable plane already, a 182 is a Certified top performer.

Best wishes, and may your lives together be blessed!
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-7 or -10?

You may want to consider a partnership in an RV-10. There are three in Salt Lake City being built and I know one maybe two are at least interested in a partnership, especially if you think your flying time will be limited.
I would be more than willing to show you and your wife the -10.

We love our dog but have only traveled with her twice. We are lucky to have some great house-sitters or we take her to a family members house so our dog never has to go to a kennel when we go on trips.

I love the -7 too.




Here is CB saying "Thank You!"
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Going Backwards

Okay, I think things are going backwards with my discussion with Pam. She is now convinced the only way to go is the 10, primarily as a result of the great pics Scott Schmidt posts about his trips.

Anyway, the only way to solve the problem is to have her take an up close and personal look at the two (RV7 and RV10) locally.

Scott and Dave thanks for the offers to show her your planes, I'll be in touch.
Okay, I think things are going backwards with my discussion with Pam. She is now convinced the only way to go is the 10, primarily as a result of the great pics Scott Schmidt posts about his trips.

Backward? Dude, you got your answer. Roll with it and quit looking the gift horse in the mouth. Agree with her and get on with the -10. :D
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Listen to her, she got the picture!

Okay, I think things are going backwards with my discussion with Pam. She is now convinced the only way to go is the 10, primarily as a result of the great pics Scott Schmidt posts about his trips.

Anyway, the only way to solve the problem is to have her take an up close and personal look at the two (RV7 and RV10) locally.

Scott and Dave thanks for the offers to show her your planes, I'll be in touch.

Ingress and Egress of a 40 plus pounds, live moving animal, in a plane without a side door, will get you 5 to 10 years!

If he wants it now

You guys may shoot me but for the time being, a Bonanza would give him the speed, room, ability to take the dogs. A nice P or S model would come in under what a 10 cost.

However, if he is looking 5 years down the road and still has the 182, then the 10 would be a great choice.
If she likes big dogs, and will likely want to keep having big dog breeds versus small dogs, you need to keep that in mind as well. You indicated that the comment about having smaller dogs was not well received - that could have been because you were talking about the death of a beloved pet, or because she likes large breeds.

Either way - if she's pushing you get a -10, take that girl out for steak and lobster and order the tail kit.