
I'm New Here
I have a close friend in Naples, FL, who wants to get back into flying after decades off. He's been training in a Cirrus and a 172. He has asked me what he should buy.

I am a 30 year private pilot in NC (RDU), 1500 Cirrus hours, 1000 182 hours, IFR. I own an SR22 and a Rutan Berkut. But I am a huge RV fan. I like metal construction (weight and simplicity), and I like the accumulated experience of the RV fleet. I told him an RV 10 looks ideal for him. I prefer this to his other choice, a Cirrus, because the Cirrus is a little too unforgiving for a newbie pilot when stalling or landing.

Is there a consultant or broker or advisor who can help us learn what to look for/look out for? The Rutan fleet has a couple of them and they are great especially for buyers (vs builders). I would appreciate any leads.

He also wants a BRS, based on the great Cirrus safety data. Anyone have experience putting one into an RV-10?

Jesse Saint in Florida knows a bunch about RV-10s.

As for a parachute, there's more to it than just attaching a chute. The landing gear has to be beefed up to absorb the vertical loads of landing, otherwise the occupants can get compression fractures of the spine on touchdown. (I think compression fractures have happened in Cirrus airplanes that came down on water where the landing gear did no good).

My opinion is that the modifications of installing a chute in an RV-10 on a one time basis would be challenging, to say the least. I would strongly advise against it and instead spend the money on training and on an occasional airline ticket.
I have a close friend in Naples, FL, who wants to get back into flying after decades off. He's been training in a Cirrus and a 172. He has asked me what he should buy.


He also wants a BRS, based on the great Cirrus safety data. Anyone have experience putting one into an RV-10?


After going through a very long search myself (nearly a year) and jumping back and forth between SR22 and RV-10, I purchased an RV-10 because of the ability to maintain it without breaking the bank (a safety factor in itself that should get any pilots and safety are intertwined).

The parachute was factor also, but, that gets you only two things...more comfort in night flight and the ability of my wife to pull the chute if I am incapacitated.

I don't fly at night and rarely need thats not really an issue. And the RV10 is so easy to fly and land that, after a few lessons, my wife will be able to land w/o me.

So, if a chute is the primary driver for your friends decision...I believe it should not be.
Jesse Saint, in Dunnellon FL, would be an excellent place to start. Jesse is very knowledgeable and trustworthy. I agree with Ed's comments on a parachute. Probably not practical on the RV-10 without extensive modifications. CG might also be a difficult issue with the parachute.

There's a -10 with less than 100 hours in Sandersville, Ga. Ray Lawrence has an RV builder's assist facility there and knows the airplane. Call him for pictures and details at 478 232 9560.

I am on vacation, so I have not been as active on VAF for these last two weeks. I would be happy to talk to you and/or your friend about RV-10's, the good, the bad and the ugly (the latter two of which there is very little, but some).

I have talked to a couple of people who were interested in installing a chute, but nobody who has. It would be a huge task in regards to engineering and installation both, with little significant benefit, as has already been discussed.