
Well Known Member
I'm looking for a graphic designer to take my general ideas about what I want my plane to looking like and turn that into the design of my dreams. I want something that is simple, classic and incorporates polished metal.

Thanks for all referrals.

Scheme Designers. They do very nice work and are very easy to work with.
Dream Scheme Designs

I urge you to contact Jason Knoll at Dream Scheme Designs:

Jason did for me exactly what you want: He helped me get my thoughts onto 'paper' so that KELLI GIRL could see the light of day all dressed up. Here is my post from 2015 outlining the whole project, including how Jason and I collaborated on the design, and the finished aircraft:

I hope this helps...good luck, Robert! And I can't wait to see the finished design.
Craig at Scheme Designers did exactly this for me back when I was working on my RV-8. The 'Stars & Stripes' concept was mine, the design was largely his (iterated with feedback from me), and the execution was by John Stahr.
Plane Schemers

I highly...highly...recommend planeshemers. Jonathan is awesome. He did so many versions without ever hinting that I had to start making solid decisions. He wanted to make sure that I was 100% happy. Only takes 50% payment until completed design is finalized.

I had a HORRIBLE experience with Jason Noll and Dream Scheme Designs, when working on my Christen Eagle. Use at your own risk
Have you picked out a paint shop yet?

If so, might be a good idea to see if they have someone to recommend.

With our 10, my wife had done a real basic line drawing on a piece of printer paper and the folks at the paint shop worked with her to make the finished product just what she envisioned.