
Well Known Member
After loading the latest software on the G3X I got the IGRF database out of date. Came here to VAF and found out it was moved to the navigation database which I have not updated as I am not flying( still building). So I signed up for the new free database Garmin offers and downloaded the database manager software. Created a SD card. Stick in the G3X and nothing happens. I tried a new SD card, loading it on a different computer and nothing works. When I look at it in file explorer the LDR_SYS file is empty. I contacted Garmin and the said it was hidden files. I tried showing hidden files and still empty. I am at a loss what to do next. I have emailed Garmin back but it is days before they answer. Anybody else have this issue?

Make sure you have a SD card marked SDHC, 4, 8, or 16 GB.
Put it in your PC and Format the SD-card, choose FAT-32.
Download the files to your SD-card.
Whe the download is complete you will see Green checkmarks for every file.
If you don't see any Green checkmarks, the download did not work.
On your PC, click on Documents. There you will find the USB-drive.
The downloaded files should be listed below the USB-letter.
The files are not hidden.
If you don't see any files, Right click on the SD-card letter (E) (F) or other.
Click Format and then uncheck the box Fast format and then Start.
This will take a few minutes.
Download again and see if the files appear.

When you created the account, did you fill in the serial number of your device, i.e; G3X. sn: xxxxxxxxxxxxx. ?

Good luck
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its an 8GB card. I get all check marks green and it says SD card created successfully. I tried unchecking the quick format and same thing. By the website the database is about 4MB, yet it downloads in less that a second. Thanks for trying.
So I checked the card after format and then after loading and there is 251MB now on the card. So I think the data is there. Just the G3X is not seeing it. I double checked the system ID and it is correct. Tried on both displays. Hmmm...
Database Download Problems

So I checked the card after format and then after loading and there is 251MB now on the card. So I think the data is there. Just the G3X is not seeing it. I double checked the system ID and it is correct. Tried on both displays. Hmmm...

This is almost always a problem with how the system is entered into the FlyGarmin website (usually the System ID). Do you have a G3X or G3X Touch? Does your account match your specific display?


Just to close the loop. Looks like I chose the G3X instead of G3X touch on the fly garmin site. Had to call to have it deleted and then added correct one and it worked as advertised.