mark manda

Well Known Member
How do I change the seting for max flaps? new post added below.

I'm going to go ahead and install one on my rocker switch on the panel.

Van's sells a system but I thought I'd ask for other system options before ordering.

Or just buy the Van's system? $220 IIRC
It stops at approx. 10, 20 and 40. I'm looking for just two position but that's what they sell.

thanks, mark 7A QB
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It seems like a good system. I have one on my RV8, and I bought it based on the recommendation of several people I trust. I've flown an RV6 without one, and I really felt it also worked fine without it. I don't think you can go wrong buying one, or going without it.

I have the Van's system and it is great. I normally use 20 deg, and that is normally enough. However, you can make your own stops, if you want. The positioning mechanism is just a 1/8" (or so) wire shaft with indentations made in it that a microswitch senses. Put a rotary bit in your Dremel and away you go.

Seems Like a Waste of Money

Maybe at Flagstaff on a 100 deg. day with two people and all four tanks full I would think about partial flaps for takeoff. In all of my trips so far I have never found ocassion to use the flaps for anything except landing and then it is full down till they stop moving after hitting the top of the airspeed white arc - usally turning base. These things are typically well powered. The only thing that is an eye opener is the sink rate on a close in slipping turn to final - pull it out plenty early and have your hand on the throttle (to make the runway - not go around) if things are tight - short runway, etc., etc. Otherwise, they don't need a lot of subtle coaxing for normal operation performance. This is not a recommended mode of operation - just one guys experience in an RV-6A with an O-360-A1A and C/S prop that indicates looking out the window or counting are plenty adequate for flap control.

Bob Axsom
Why do you need this?

I agree with Bob, this is in the nice to have but in the not necessary category. Look out the window and count works very well. Also I only have a passing knowledge of how the different systems work, but know for sure it involves one or more of the following: wires, switches, circuits and connections. More = more chance for it to fail. Also you are adding expense and weight. Both not good. When your fancy flap control system fails to extend or retract you will not be happy and trouble shooting it will be a pain.

My simple system used the standard 3-position DPDT switch with (up)-off-down. The down position is momentary, so it requires the switch to be held for flap extension. Not a burden when it only takes about a 6 count from full up to full down. A short 3 count was good for about 1/2 flaps. There is little difference between 18 degrees and 22 degrees to the airplane. Precession flap position is not necessary; UP-(approx)1/2- DOWN is all you need.

To retract, the flap switch locks into the up position so holding it is not required. A limit switch kept the motor from running if I forgot to place the switch into the off position. This lock feature is handy for after landing and go-around. Also, unlike an underpowered C-150 with massive slotted flaps, any RV can retract the flaps in one motion due to the power, acceleration and how small a difference the flaps make to the stall speed (3 mph). No need to milk it. :rolleyes:

Cheers George
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change settings for max how?

I don't know where the instructions are. Been using the Showplanes flap positioner system for 11 mos. now. the factory supplied three positions.

I need to know how to change the max setting to something less than the last notch. Or shorten the throw on the flaps.

Everything works fine right now or was until someone accidently stepped on the flap while getting in. I hit the up button and the flap wedged into and ruined the aft edge of a beautiful top skin.

So, I thought about taking an allen wrench and raising the shaft. and I thought about just adding a notch. But will it still go to the original notch?

Thanks for any input.
I have bought the Van's flap positioner system. This is for an RV10. Now I see that there is also an RV10 version available that allows "reflex flaps". Can someone please tell me if I can use the standard one on the 10, or should I use the reflex system?
Like that Steve ;)
I gues it is why they call it homebuilt. My hobby is electronics and where else can I have such a ball? Can someone in the know please answer me?

I plan on doing the OFPSS method but would appreciate suggestions on whether to use paint or tape.

It will be a while before my plane is professionally painted. Is there a tape that will work for about 6 months or should I just paint it with a paint that won't be too hard to remove?
Keeping it simple and cheap,

I just marked the teflon tape on the flap @ the edge near the aileron with a permanent marker for full up, 20 degrees and full down. Only takes a moment to glance outside after your count. If you are off by 3-4 degrees you will not know it.

Good luck.