
Well Known Member
I've just begun building an RV9. I would like advise and the opportunity to gain some experience, most specifically in riveting in tight gaps. Is there someone in the North Central Florida area currently riveting that my be willing to have some free labor in exchange for the a look over your shoulder to see how it's done. I can Buck a Rivet.

Dan J
Hi Dan...

...I have a friend in Sandersville, Ga.(KOKZ) who runs an RV builders assist center.

Ray Lawrence...478 232 9560, and he'll possibly come to you.

Hey Dan;

I'm in Destin, FL and am building a RV7A but have moved mostly beyond the rivet banging. I have a friend at the airport that ground looped his RV8 a few weeks ago and he ordered a quick-build wing from Van's. We will be working on it at my hangar at the Destin airport. The wing came last week. I am going to help Frank with the wing and mount it to the 8. There will be some tight riveting on the skins and you would be welcome to come and see/assist? I'll keep you informed, if you like, on the progress as we get more near to the rivet stage. I am sure that Frank wouldn't mind either. Send me your email address or a way to contact you.
I noticed you live in Dunnellon.
I believe there's a group hangar there that has been building several RV10s. They're located on the east side when taxiing to the 23 approach from the fuel station. I'm sure they wouldn't mind showing you around.
Otherwise, I fly there on occasion for the great fuel price and wouldn't mind checking out your riveting.
I am sorry for the change of subject. I noticed that Dunellon Fl was mentioned and I am wondering if anyone knows Bob Pratt based there. I rented some of Bob's aircraft when he was based at Willeston. I also did my FAA twin commercial rating with him in his Apache. Bob is a great guy and his wife Elanor showed me and my son some great Southern hospitality when I was there. Bob also gave my son lessons to his first solo which he completed in fine style.

Maybe Bob would be a good source of knowledge as I know he does all his own maintenance and has rebuilt his Apache.
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