I'm New Here
HELP! My 9A has been completed for 2 weeks and I am having a hard time getting a DAR to come and inspect it. I have contacted all 3 of the DAR's within 200 miles and the cheapest they will do the inspection for is $1500. This seems kind of high to me. The FAA says they might do it 3 or 4 months. I do not want to wait 4 months and I can not afford $1500. Any ideas? I live in Deming, New Mexico.
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Check your e-mail.
I can do your inspection after June 7th.
Biggest cost is travel with the price of gas what it is.
I'm going the North Carolina this weekend to do an RV-7A.
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I just checked the SWA site. Round trip fare on SouthWest Airlines to El Paso is pretty reasonable. If you could pick me up and return me to El Paso we could probably work things out for closer to $700.
Call me 972-784-7544
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