
Well Known Member
Buying an RV7A and insurance is requiring a “checkout” by a CFI with 25 hours A-model RV time. Live west of FWA near Warsaw, Indiana. Have not taken delivery of my airplane yet so need a CFI with a plane.. at least I’m not demanding or anything.... ;)
I and others have just responded to a similar request (‘rv7a cfi needed...’). You should read it to see why you will have more success finding a cfi after you have your airplane available....
Bob, I will read that. However, it seems fairly obvious that it would be much easier to find a CFI for my own plane. Of course, if my plane were here, that’s what I would prefer as well. So here’s my situation the way I see it. I find some benevolent soul in my area who has an RV7A and the required experience or I can find a CFI to fly into the hills of WV and check me out there, or I can find a pilot to ferry my plane from WV to FWA. So, I figure, why not ask for the simplest first.....

Happy to hear creative solutions..


I read the other posts and understand. However, I’m not worried about abusing my RV7A. I’m a little beyond the 200 hour mark so pretty sure I can fly the airplane. What I need is someone to take me up, do some slow flight, stall series, spin (ideally), and a handful of landings. If I were a CFI and someone needed a checkout I’d be happy to do it for no charge as long as the intrepid aviator were willing to share with me a couple of hours over breakfast or some expertise on rewiring a RV panel...
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Training: Alex DeDominicis

Alex is a great transition trainer and well worth the time. (It's an easy trip from FWA) The RV-7 has stall characteristics that are very different than most RV's. I thoroughly enjoyed my training with him even though I was 1,000 hours plus in hi-performance-complex airframes. Take the time and learn from him. Well worth it !!
Who is this Alex you speak of? Could you pass his location and contact info? I did fly a flight with the owner and we did some stalls and a bunch of slow flight. Airplane flies beautifully in slow flight. Was actually one of the main reasons I bought her. Slow flight characteristics can tell you a lot about an airplane...

I see you’re building a 14, that has to be very exciting! What a great airplane!

I appreciate the assist..
Transition training

Yes, that the URL. We did a few stalls with his 7 and definitely appreciated learning from him. Very good instructor. Even DR has been through his instruction. I've flown the 9 before and the 7 seems to have more "issues" in stall than the 8 or 9. I have over 100 hours on my 14 now and appreciate his training.