Well Known Member
Hello California Pilots, I am planning to fly our RV-10 to San Francisco from Florida and was wondering if anyone in the area was willing and able to fly and snap a picture of our plane with the Golden Gate in the background? We will be in the area the weekend of August 24th. Thanks
Thanks for the reply Akabud. I was hopeful to find a fellow RV driver on their way to a pancake breakfast but if it comes to a hired gun I appreciate the reference.
Thanks for the reply Akabud. I was hopeful to find a fellow RV driver on their way to a pancake breakfast but if it comes to a hired gun I appreciate the reference.

He is a fellow RV Driver and builder. He works from his RV-6. And a skilled formation pilot with the experience and equipment to get some great shots.
You should call and talk to him. I can't speak for him but I suspect he might give you a RV discount.
Pic @ golden gate

I may be able to help, but it will be kind of last minute thing depending on when exactly you want to do it. I would also like the same picture. I am local @ KDVO just north of the bay. Shoot me an email at [email protected].
